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What is Inbound Marketing?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, May 01, 2018 @ 02:58 PM

Inbound marketing is a tactic focused on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content. Successful inbound marketing content adds value at every stage of a customer’s buyer’s journey. Through addressing common problems and educating consumers, inbound marketing helps attract qualified leads that are most likely to make a purchase. Inbound marketing focuses on guiding customers from one stage of the buyer’s journey to the next using expert content.

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Topics: CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, what is inbound marketing

Why Do You Need Inbound Marketing?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Jan 29, 2014 @ 05:14 PM

Considering you’re reading this blog right now, you don’t need me to tell you about the influence the Internet has when it comes to spreading information. This influence is especially true within the context of marketing and advertising. And since we’re on the topic, arguably the most effective type of Internet marketing is with “inbound marketing.” In fact, as you read these very words, you are being influenced by an inbound marketing technique..

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Topics: Internet marketing, why do you need inbound marketing, what is inbound marketing

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