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6 Inbound Marketing Benefits To Grow Your Business

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Feb 11, 2015 @ 12:45 PM

In today’s marketing environment, it is essential to have some semblance of an inbound marketing strategy. Customers have more control over the information they consume; so inbound marketing techniques are able to enable businesses to reach their prospects in a targeted and relevant manner. If executed properly, inbound marketing has the potential to enhance your brand, generate quality leads and improve sales.

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Topics: CT website design, helpful content, CT Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing, connect with prospects online, quality content

Why Does Inbound Marketing Work?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Apr 09, 2014 @ 10:51 AM

Since 2006 inbound marketing has rapidly begun to take over the marketing world.  In 2013, over 60% of all companies used some kind of inbound marketing.  Inbound marketing has become as essential aspect of a company’s success and has proven itself as the master of efficiency.  Inbound marketing uses strategies that involve Ebooks, podcasts, blogs, online videos, and white papers.  Using these marketing tools together and efficiently your company is bound to begin thriving within the online community!  Still not convinced? Lets start with why you should ditch old marketing techniques.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing

Why Ditch Outbound Marketing?

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Feb 21, 2014 @ 01:13 PM

One of the reasons that successful marketing has become more and more difficult to achieve is because people are becoming increasingly annoyed of advertisements.  No one wants to be interrupted in the middle of a suspenseful TV show to find out what the softness new toilet paper is or what the latest sandwich is at a fast food joint.  Outbound marketing, now referred to as “old marketing”, is the traditional style of marketing where companies reach out to their customers through commercials, print ad’s, flyers, and cold calls.  This style of marketing hunts customers down and pushes products on them and these consumers have no say in the matter.   Inbound marketing has begun to take over the advertising world as it has proven itself as the master of efficiency.  Inbound marketing promotes an advertising strategy of “getting found” by customers.  Inbound marketing uses strategies that involve Ebooks, podcasts, blogs, online videos, and white papers.  It focuses on a two-way relationship between the company and the consumer so that people are more in control of what information they receive.  In the last two years the amount spend on company blogs and social media has nearly doubled, making it clear that outbound marketing is on the decline.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing (Infographic)

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Sep 20, 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Marketing has evolved over the years, thanks to the internet. Now, people are turning to the web to find, research, and buy products, especially since it's all at their convenience. Even marketers are changing as they no longer have to rely solely on traditional advertising like billboards, commercials, direct mail or telemarketing to reach consumers about their products and services.

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Topics: internet marketing tips, Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing lessons, Outbound Marketing, inbound marketing blog, inbound marketing tips

Best Web Developers in Hartford CT

Posted by Kristina Chester on Wed, Feb 06, 2013 @ 05:15 PM

ImageWorks has been designing websites for over 15 years and can recognize talented web developers when we see one. If you are looking for a CT web design company, you have a few options in the Greater Hartford Area. The following firms are good examples of web development companies who like us, can create high quality web sites. 

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, web design, website development, Web development, Web Developers, Web Marketing, Outbound Marketing, Web Content

Inbound Marketing... How To Bring The Fireflies To You

Posted by Jesse Cohen on Mon, Jul 16, 2012 @ 04:22 PM

If you've read any business oriented content on the web these days, you've probably run into the term 'inbound marketing' more than a few times. If you know what this term means, then skip ahead. If you don't, listen up.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing, CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing, Facebook, Blog Posts

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