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John Kleinhans & Matthew Trant of Search Integrations Join Forces With Imageworks,LLC

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Tue, Jul 25, 2017 @ 03:40 PM

Here is a conversation with John, Matt and Jeffrey Cohen on the future of ImageWorks,LLC.

How did Search Integrations come to life?

Matt: Search Integrations was founded as a millennial-driven digital marketing agency that emerged with an in it to win it attitude for our clients. Whether it was political, advocacy, non-profit or corporate clients, our foundation was to provide a custom digital plan that helped our clients dominate their competition. This included using our proprietary bidding algorithm and our creative digital marketing solutions.

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Topics: CT Marketing, CT Inbound Marketing, Business News

How To Create Your First Social Media Campaign

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 16, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

Social media is taking over and almost everyone has a profile on various platforms. Utilize this trend by adding your presence on these sites. Social media can be a great tool to expand your business but can be confusing to get started into the process. There are a lot of do's and dont's so the importance of taking your social media campaign as serious as possible, will help you build your brand instead of tarnishing it. This article will go over some of the first steps to get you started with an effective social media campaign. 

Assemble Your Team | Assign Responsibilities

The first action that should be taken is assembling a team that can focus on your social media campaign. Whether you have your own team or need to outsource, having a team of professionals solely focusing on your social media campaign can help expand your business. Social media needs a delicate balance. You should be posting promotional information, helpful information related to your business and some fun posts that appeal to the viewers interests. Understanding what viewers want from social media posts will help build your brand and make you a reliable source for information. Social media shouldn’t be taken lightly because several people will find out about who you are and what you sell through the various online platforms. Know who you are as a brand and effectively represent that through your social media. Many business stick to what they know, which isn’t always bad, but it's important to keep your followers engaged. As long as you are staying on topic, it is okay to post something funny and witty. Avoid posting only promotional content because people will get sick of you. Strategically research what the best social media campaign will work best for your business. 

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Topics: CT Marketing, Twitter, Facebook

How Can I Make My Call-To-Action Buttons More Effective?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Jul 16, 2014 @ 04:27 PM

Visitors who don't click don't convert: as marketers, we know this to be true. Your visitors can't get through your sites checkout process or signup form without clicking at least one button. That one button-- like all of your buttons-- can be improved on. Generally, when a call to action fails, the reason is simple. We need to stop ignoring the so-called "small things," especially when conversion rates depend on them.

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Topics: SEO, call to action, Internet marketing, CT Marketing

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