In the early days of search engines, users used to type their questions into a search box then receive a list of relevant links. To find the answers to their questions, users would have to comb through these results, hoping to find the answer in a relevant web page. However, Google has gotten much smarter in recent years. Now, users can type in a question they want the answer to and Google will comb through search results and find the answer to the user’s question, displaying the answer and an excerpt from a specific search result in a box at the top of the screen. If you’re interested in learning how this box works and how your website can appear inside the box, check out the blog post below.
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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Rich Answer Box, Google Ranking
How to Optimize Your Site for Google’s Rich Answer Box
Posted by
Catherine Hatch on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 10:23 AM
Google is constantly changing its site, and marketers must keep up with these changes in order to keep websites relevant. One of the newer changes Google has made to its site is its rich answer box. Rich answers greatly improve the Google user’s experience and provide your website with a new chance for visibility on the first page of a Google search. Read below to learn how to properly optimize your website for Google’s rich answer box.
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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Rich Answers, Rich Answer Box