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How To Know When I Need A Website Redesign

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Mon, Jan 30, 2017 @ 09:41 AM

Do you feel like your website is not generating traffic like it used to? You've tried creating more content, adding new keywords and posting more on social media sites. Your traffic can be low for several reasons but the first step you may need to take, can be to simply redesign your website. This article discusses signs that it might be time to redesign your website to better appeal to larger audiences and convert more leads. 

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Topics: responsive websites, Website success

What is the Importance of Responsive Websites?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, May 07, 2014 @ 11:15 AM
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Topics: website redesign, responsive web design, responsive websites, web design, website development, mobile website optimization, Web Marketing, digital marketing

Oreo: America’s Favorite Twitter Account & Real-Time Marketing

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Jul 24, 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Someone asked me the other day where I get my news from, and “Twitter” was my automatic response. While I still get the content from news-worthy sites like CNN or AP, it’s not like I’m combing their homepage anymore but rather clicking a quick link to exactly what I’m looking for. And I don’t have to search far for the public’s comments. Simply by exiting the article, I can see how my friends and even people I don’t know are responding to the story through Twitter as well. Since Twitter is acting as a “second screen” for me and many other consumers, brands should be aiming to become part of this social commentary and push out their messages to the millions of users using real-time marketing. And that’s exactly what Oreo is doing.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, responsive websites, Oreo, Twitter, content marketing, content marketing campaign, Inbound Marketing, digital marketing, social networking, branding, visual content

What is a Responsive Website?

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Mon, Apr 01, 2013 @ 09:23 AM

What is a responsive web design?

You may have noticed lately that some of your favorite websites have been redesigned.
The designs may seem wider than usual, and if you shrink your browser the content resizes to fit. While they may seem like just small changes, we promise that website designers are not trying to trick you. Right now, there is a major movement of companies and organizations shifting to match the visual consumption habits of their audiences and buyer personas. This shift has lead to the creation of responsive websites; websites that adjust to the consumer's viewing needs.

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Topics: website redesign, responsive web design, responsive websites, web design, website development, mobile website optimization, Web Marketing, digital marketing

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