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6 Tips to Show Off the Human Side of Your Brand

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Sat, May 18, 2019 @ 09:30 AM

In the age of the Internet, thousands of companies vying for the same clients, and large, faceless corporations, one of the best ways to stand out is to show off the human side of your brand. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the people behind brands and feel more comfortable doing business with actual humans than faceless companies. Not only will humanizing your brand help grow your business, but it will also encourage more interaction with your content, both on social media and through your blog. To develop a strategy focused on humanizing your brand, check out these tips below.

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Topics: content marketing strategy, Humanizing Marketing Content

5 Tips to Humanize Your Marketing Content

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Dec 05, 2017 @ 11:39 AM

Strong marketing content is essential to the success of your brand. However, it’s important that your marketing content is human and personal in order to promote trust in your brand. When you humanize your marketing content, potential customers understand that there are real people behind your brand, setting you apart from your competitors. Here are some tips to help you humanize your marketing content.

1. Share Photos of Your Team

One of the best ways to show your customers that there are real people behind your brand is to show them off! Share photos of your team members around the office looking human. Take photos at events or parties and use funny antics in the office as photo opportunities. You should show your team members together as much as possible to demonstrate that there is a strong team of people behind your brand.

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Topics: content marketing strategy, Humanizing Marketing Content

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