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10 Ways to Grow Your Audience on Social Media

Posted by Sarah Gamache on Wed, Jul 06, 2022 @ 11:15 AM

You may have noticed strong growth on your business's social media page after the pandemic. Depositphotos_176122906_LAs many people were abiding by stay at home orders, we found ourselves online more than ever before. Now, fears have lessened and you may be noticing a drop in your social media activity as people get outside and back to work. Here’s 10 ways to grow you audience on social media, regardless of the conditions.

Tell a Story

Social media users love to engage with stories that are told online. As a business, you should share stories that can stimulate emotion appeal in its audience. These posts will draw more attention to your business and allow you to grow your following. People want to know they are interacting with a brand that cares about the community around it. Share stories often to create emotion appeal on your page.

Listen & Respond to Your Online Community

Grow your audience on social media by interacting more with them online. You have to give to get on social media, no matter how much you engage with your community, it will always pay off. Your audience feels more inclined to follow a brand that engages regularly with their online community.

Humanize Your Brand

Your social media audience is more interested in brands that humanize themselves online. A good way to humanize your brand is to show yourself and your employees behind the scenes and your work space. Show your audience exactly who they are interacting with when they comment on your page. Customers want to know who the face is behind their favorite products. Brands who humanize overall build more trust with their customers.

Add Value to Your Viewer’s Life

Businesses that can add value to their viewer’s life online will perform better and grow their audience on social media. Give back to your audience in forms of content that adds value to their life. People do not like to waste their time online, a social media user will skip a video that does not add value to their life. Add value to your viewer’s life by solving their problems in forms of video content, news stories, or by clarifying a misunderstood topic.

Collaborate with Others Online

An easy way to get your brand’s name out there and gain a following on social media is by collaborating with other creators. By collaborating with creators, you are reaching an audience that you may not have been able to reach on your own. In turn, you are also giving the creator a platform to grow their audience. Collaborating with others is a great way for both parties to grow their audience.

Share More Video

Social media users love to consumer video content. Video content is one of the fastest growing forms of online marketing this year. Leverage video content on your social media by posting how-to videos of your products. Show your audience exactly how to use all your products. Don’t be afraid to peel back the manufacturing process to show your audience every step in creating their favorite products.

Include More Visuals in Your Posts

Give your viewers something they want to see, visuals! Spruce up your social media posts by creating fun social media posts that always include a visual. Your audience wants to put a picture to every story you tell online; posting a visual can help to tell your story. For those who just want to do a quick scroll to see content, posting visuals is a great way to catch their attention.

Encourage Tagging

Encouraging interactive posts where your audience can tag their friends and family offers a great way to grow your social media audience. You can encourage tagging on your business’s page by including it in a promotion or hosting a contest for your audience. Remember not to go overboard with encouraging users to tag others, only use this tool once in a while to give back to your customers.

Use Relevant Hashtags and Participate in Trends

Keep up with the latest hashtags and trends on your page. Users on social media will start to notice that your business is trendy, allowing you to grow your audience faster. It is attractive to a consumer online when a brand follows popular hashtags and trends. Get your employees in on the hottest trends of social media to show your audience that your business is relevant and has a fun atmosphere.

Use Humor to Engage

If there is one thing the social media community loves, it’s humor! It is no surprise that businesses who use humor online to engage with their audience grow their audience on social media faster. All it takes is that one post to kickstart your business’s following. When a post includes humor, it is shared faster online between users, thus telling the algorithms of various social media platforms to push your content to a larger audience. If people are enjoying your content and sharing it back and forth, algorithms will pick up on this and leverage it.

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Topics: Increasing Social Media Reach, Social Media Content

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