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6 Myths About Paid Search Debunked

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Aug 01, 2019 @ 12:42 PM

paid searchSearch engines are some of the most visited sites on the Internet, making your business’s presence on them essential to increasing visibility across the web. One of the best ways to establish your presence on search engines such as Google is to invest in paid search. Paid search ads will allow your business to appear at the top of Google’s search results for your target keywords. Despite the value of paid search, there are some myths that still persist about it. Read below to see the top myths about paid search debunked.


1. No One Clicks on PPC Ads

This one is simply not true! Google continues to report a consistent increase in revenue generated by PPC Ads. The fact that these ads are generating so much revenue clearly indicates that they are being clicked on. In more generalized searches, people are unlikely to click on a PPC ad. However, when searching for a specific product or service, PPC ads have very high click through rates.

2. I Don’t Need PPC If I'm Doing SEO

SEO is a very important strategy in marketing your business. However, PPC and SEO can compliment each other very well to better your marketing strategy. A combination of the two is better than choosing one or the other. Additionally, results have shown that searchers are more likely to click on your organic search results and trust your brand if your site comes up organically and in a PPC ad simultaneously.

3. The Higher I Bid, the Better I’ll Rank

PPC ads aren’t all about bidding. In order to rank the highest in your PPC ad, you need to have quality content. Google ranks the various PPC ads based on a quality score, meaning they won’t let bad businesses or businesses with low quality sites appear at the top of their rankings. Therefore, no matter how much you bid, you won’t appear at the top of the rankings with a low quality site.

4. Paid Search is Expensive

If your campaign isn’t well managed and isn’t targeted, it can be very expensive because you’ll continuously pour money into something that isn’t yielding results. However, a well-managed campaign with specific targets will make money for you with high click through rates. Because Google ranks the sites based on quality, if you’re worried about your ranking, you can always improve the quality of your site rather than pour more money into PPC. Improving the quality of your site often has little to no cost and will help yield more results from your PPC ads.

5. My Ad Needs Top Placement to be Successful

In organic search, it makes sense to vie for the top spot. However, often times you’ll find that the first ad in a PPC list doesn’t get the most conversions. In some cases, searchers may skip over the first ad completely and look at the second. When running a PPC campaign, it’s important to look into the analytics and see which spot is converting best. If the second spot is converting at much better rates than the first, there’s no point in vying for the top spot. 

6. The More Keywords in My Campaign, the More Traffic I'll Get

Choosing a bunch of different keywords might seem like a good idea because you’ll be more likely to pop up in more searches. However, simply showing up in someone’s search doesn’t guarantee clicks. It’s more important to be targeted when running a PPC campaign. Choosing the right keywords for better click through and conversion rates is much more important than choosing the most keywords. Targeting your keywords will cost less money and yield you better results.


ImageWorks, LLC | CT Paid Search Agency

Don’t miss out on the most comprehensive paid search audit in the industry!

Find out what you are doing wrong, where the missed opportunities are, and most importantly, if your paid search programs are working for you so that you can lower cost and increase your conversion rates.  The SEM team at ImageWorks will examine important key metrics and let you know what our highest priorities would be to get your campaigns in the best of health. If you don’t have the necessary resources, we offer flexible management solutions and pricing models to meet your needs.

Call 860-454-0582 and ask for sales to schedule your free audit today.

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