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5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Quality

Posted by Kristina Chester on Wed, Nov 13, 2013 @ 03:33 PM

iStock 000019961538XSmall copy resized 600Every content marketer is under constant pressure to produce some form of content. However, you can't just push out any old half written, half thought out article if you're looking to attract customers. There is a demand for high quality content, but high quality content can take a long time to create and you may not have the time to devote to do it.

We've all heard that "content is king," and to get a good SEO rank it's rather necessary to have quality content within your website. Good content is good, but great content can help your company gain new sales opportunities, differentiate yourself from your competition, and even generate loyalty and brand awareness.

Although you want to start creating quality content, it's not always as simple as sitting down and writing. Producing the kind of content your website needs requires time and consideration. If your still struggling to bring your content to the next level, try implementing some of our tips and tricks listed below!

5 Quick Tips to Drastically Improve Your Content Quality:

1. Fact Check Your Work.

Making sure all of your content is accurate is almost as important as your content itself. If you publish an article that you are basing off of fact, and it turns out that your facts are inaccurate, you won't be able to build credibility with visitors which in a way effects the quality of your content. Ensure this doesn't happen to your business by making sure you are always factually correct, that way you can build a reputation for your company that customers can rely on.

2. Include Relevant Stats That Back Up Your Facts.

When you are trying to demonstrate to your readers why something is relevant or important, having data available to back up your point is very effective. Data, like statistics, can instantly build credibility and convince your readers that you know your topic of discussion thoroughly. If you are going to use any sort of data make sure you take the time to cite it properly, linking to any sources that you utilized. Also make sure any sources you use are reputable and from a recent study. If you use stats from 1999 and it's 2013, people will know that a lot has changed since then, including some of the data you are using.

3. Use Visuals to Show Your Points.

Haven't you ever heard the saying a picture is worth a thousand words? Actually, it's proven that people respond better to visual content over plain text, and visual information is processed by the brain faster than reading. Utilizing graphs or diagrams to illustrate your point may be easier for your readers to understand than reading a straight out explanation.

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4. Remove Any Unnecessary Jargon.

Even though high quality content feels like you need to sound sophisticated, part of what makes content high quality is the fact that it is easy to read and understand. Not everyone in your target audience will be on the same level, in fact some of your readers may be more advanced than others. Even though you may have more advanced readers, you don't want to only cater to that particular area. If you remove any jargon that makes your blog post harder to read you will ensure that everyone will understand your content clearly.

5. Have Someone Edit and Proof Your Work.

No content should be published without a proper edit and proof read from you and at least one other person. A good proofreader will be able to comb through your work to ensure you haven't missed any spelling or grammatical errors within your work (like misplaced commas or incorrect word usage). A good editor will be able to go through the structure of your blog post to make sure it has a nice flow. They can work with the phrasing and structure of your content to increase its quality and style.

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Topics: content marketing, Inbound Marketing, Content Writing, Content Optimization, Content Quality

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