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How Does Blogging Affect My Company's SEO Efforts?

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 30, 2015 @ 11:47 AM

It's common for a business to overlook the blogging aspect but actually blogging is a strategic tool to boost awareness. If written for the reader and not just for a sale, your blog can flourish and build up your reputation so people know you are the right business to go to for their needs. This article explains why blogging for your business is so effective and offers some tips on how to make sure your efforts are done efficiently.

Blogging For Business

More Informative Content

One of the most important components for business blogging is that you are providing people with more information to help them with any questions they may have. SEO is boosted when you are providing helpful and informative information rather than promotional and short content. Beware of blogging just to write a few tid bits here and there about your company. Your blog should be the answer to the question they have. If you can't thoroughly answer their question, why would they go to your website to learn more about you? Once you have provided the right information, you'll be able to add some keywords throughout the blog. Try not to overwhelm with too many of the same keywords or your blog will be seen as spam. SEO is about keywords, links and so on but it's also about the value of the information provided and i what your offering actually helps. If your blog can do this than more and more people will find it when they search for specific information through search engines.

More Opportunity For keywords

Of course, blogging is a great way to add informative content but you also have the opportunity to add specific keywords to optimize your content. As said before, add keywords but don't add too many or your blog will just end up looking like spam in Google's eyes. Have you researched your keywords?  Don't just add keywords you feel will boost your blogging. That may still help but why not add keywords that are sure to work. Research your site and see what keywords are working well and research your competitors and see what keywords work well for them. Also, consider what keywords people are commonly searching that are related to your products and services. Once you understand what keywords will work best for the content you are providing, you can fully optimize your information so more readers will be able to find it.

Boosting Customer Satisfaction

Blogging is a great way to help the customer. Boosting your SEO efforts will flourish if you write for the reader rather than writing for the search engine rankings. When shopping for what they need online, people like to be able to look around first and do some research to make sure they are getting the best service for their needs. When they search in Google for information, if your blogs pop up and they are able to get all the information they need, they'll move on to your site because they know you are credible. Your customer will be that much more greatful they were able to get answers on their own time and now they can reach out to you to see how to proceed further. Try adding a call-to-action button at the bottom of your blog to lead them to an appropriate form of information but also you'll be ale to track how many people found you via blogs. Remember blogging should be for the customer, so write with helpful information not just about how your company can help. Let the information lead them to that because you are able to provide what they need.

More Opportunity To Spread Awareness

Blogging will help spread awareness of your business through SEO as well as build up your brand. To reiterate, if you blog to thoroughly answer the reader's question than blog will become sought after and easily searched through search engines. Sometimes companies ask why blogging is so important or they take it lightly and just write something for the sake of consistency. However, actually taking the time to write well and offer great information will spread awareness of your business while also building up your reputation in a positive light. People who are satisfied with your services will spread the word to their friends and family. The same can be said for your blogs. If you write a great informative blog, then people are going to want to share the information they found with their loved ones.

Better Social Media Posts

Blogging also helps with social media. You'll hear a lot that businesses need to learn how to balance their social media posts. You need to post information to help the reader, promotional offers and posts that are appealing to the readers interests that are related to what you offer. You can't just post on social media what you offer or people will be turned off feeling like your constantly shoving yourself in their faces. Find a balance and post your blogs ever now and then because it's information related to your company without being information strictly telling them to buy from you. Social Media will help more people read your blog and in turn, become loyal customers.

Check out the link below to see how you can turn your website into a lead generating machine.


Topics: SEO, blog

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