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The Process Of Working With A Web Design Company

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Feb 05, 2016 @ 12:25 PM

The process of web design from start to finish may seem simple but in actuality, there are several elements that take time and precision to get the look and functionality you desire. As you work with your web design company, offer them and idea of the tone and appearance you want from your site. A professional company will be able to implement your ideas as well as offer advice of what may be more engaging to viewers. Below is a general outlook of each stage you will encounter throughout the design process with your CT web design company. 

CT Web Design Company


In this stage, you will work closely with your web design company to provide them with your goals, who you’re targeting, desired design and as much information you can provide for the process to go as smoothly as possible. Come up with a project charter that sums up all the information that you have both worked on together and agreed upon. Be as detailed as possible to avoid any confusion later when the documents are needed for reference throughout the whole process. As the preparation stage advances, together you will need to map out the elements and functionalities of each page. This way everyone is on the same page and nothing will be implemented without you approving it first. Furthermore, you need to provide the company access to your severs as well as any username and password information they may need. Provide as much information you can for the best quality but know that your web design company should also give you a better idea of what information will help ease the process. Lastly, make sure in this stage you discuss finances to avoid any misunderstanding or surprises throughout the process. 


This is the beginning stage of developing the look of your site. Your web design company will take the information provided and integrate these elements in. The information you discussed in the preparation stage will now  be moved into the draft of the website in process. It will take time for your web company to effectively code and develop a creative design. As the design comes closer to completion, the design company should be able to provide you with a mock-up so you can see how your site is developing and make changes for improvement if you feel necessary. Remember, this stage does not include a finished project but a beginning look of what you can expect your website to look like. This step will include a lot of coding for the developer to make interactive features simple for users. As this stage advances, they’ll be able to input content and test all features and links to make sure everything functions properly.


This is the stage for more advanced coding and verification of features. The majority of the development stage is the programming work and inputting the edited content. The components throughout your website should be tested to make sure everything is effectively functioning and to ensure all the coding was properly inputted. These components include links, forms and design elements such as photos or videos. You can expect your web design company to  finish up the design, input content and ensure your site runs effortlessly. Your website should not go live until every functionality is tested and every component of the site is approved by all involved parties. 


When a website is launched it will be live and usable to the public. Once again, before the website goes live, everything should be tested again for garunteed functions. This will be the step to polish the site and make sure everything and everyone is happy with the results. If there is no immediate deadline, the design company can focus more time on making small polishing techniques that provides a more creative design. The more time to put care into the look and cerating unique elements, the more appealing the site will be for you and prospective customers. Before launching the site, be sure you are pleased with the outcome because it is better to make changes before rather than after the site is already usable by the public. Lastly, an essential component before launching is to move the website, if needed, to the permanent Web server. When both parties are proud of the work that was done, you can gear up for the final product. 


Finally, in this stage you will close the project with your team. Make sure you are provided with all the information you need to move forward on your own or what steps will be taken to move forward with your inbound marketing company. You will need to sign off on the project and the final checks as well as be provided with website documentation to prevent any confusion later on.

Now that your site is up and ready to go, don't be shy to share and brag about it. Post on social media, send out emails and broadcast to friends and family to let people know you have a newly renovated site. 

For more information, download the guide below to better understand how to hire the best CT web developer for your needs. 

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