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Updating Your Website Should Be Easy: Benefits Of A CMS

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Apr 06, 2016 @ 10:38 AM

What is a CMS? This stands for content management system, which is a program that creates structure for updating and editing specific content of a website. A lot of companies feel that you have to be a professional web developer to make changes to your website and know the language of coding and other programming techniques like HTML. A web development company may be needed to make major or complex changes but with a CMS, any online business can update their website with simple-to-use tools. Enhance your business with the benefits of a CMS, learn more about it throughout this article. 

Content Management System Tools

Simple Editing Tools

Not all users have the same knowledge in technology, but the basic CMS functions of writing and publishing content as well as slightly more advanced ones of adding media, are usually easy for everyone to understand. Every CMS will be a little different but some are as simple as teaching yourself how to use Microsoft Word. The editing functions found on various CMS's such as Wordpress or BravoCMS have tools with the ability to change or add photos, edit content on each page, adding links and a lot more. These tools make it easier and quicker to keep up with your website by simply clicking a button rather than trying to input complex coding. You'll have full control of your website at all times and can make changes whenever needed, which as you know is important because the online world is always changing and updating. 

Improving Website Functionality

Having an outlet to constantly improve your website will help you evolve with the online world. As new trends arise, you'll be able to take advantage of what entices people's interest and integrate that into your website. Your website will never seem outdated when you can easily improve your website's functionality. For example, if you have an event coming up or a seasonal promotion, you can add that in and delete it when necessary. That way your always up to date and fully functional. 

Regularly Update SEO

Your SEO efforts are vital to spread awareness of your business and appearing higher on search engine rankings. By having a CMS, you'll be able to constantly update your content to keep up with your ongoing SEO. Many people think that search engine optimization requires a one time effort of adding targeted keywords into their site’s content. However, it is important to research effective keywords and use those in your content but this is also something that should be done on a regular basis not just at the beginning of the initial set up. Yes, starting with a strong original SEO set up and great content structure is vital for success, but if you do not also update your SEO on a regular basis, Google will penalize your site and push you down the ranks. With a CMS, you can update your content and targeted keywords to easily manage and maintain strong and effective ongoing SEO strategies.

Multiple Editing Users

There may be times that you are out of town or have too much on your plate and will need help managing your site. A CMS allows for you to give access to multiple users. You will be able to set up as many users as you see fit and give them different levels of access. More than likely, there are several people that assist with various website elements and it’s important that these people have access to enhance the process. A CMS allows for you to manage roles and publishing approvals so that only those you permit can publish content and will only go live when you’re ready. 

ImageWorks offers a variety of easy-to-use CMS options to make your Web site more dynamic, current, and valuable to your end users — and save you time and money. Watch the video below to see what it's like to do business with Imageworks and see how we can help you. 

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Topics: cms, CMS Applications, Inbound Marketing

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