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5 Components Of A Successful Website

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Jan 13, 2016 @ 04:30 PM

There are several components that need to work together to ensure your website is appealing and informative. People want to visit a site that answers their questions and is appealing to navigate through. This article discusses what components your CT website needs to succeed.  

Sucessful CT Websites

Creative Design 

The design of your website is a critical aspect that keeps people interested as well as eases them through the entire site. Plan out the look and feel of your site. What tone do you want to display in your design that keeps your audience interested. Something as simple as the font on your page can set the tone and differentiate from a creative and bright vibe from one that is  simpler and sophisticated. Know who you are trying to target and appeal to their interests and preferences. Avoid overwhelming the page with too many colors or images. No matter the vibe you are trying to achieve,  it's important that people can easily navigate your website without getting lost or feeling overwhelmed. Typically, people will leave a website after just a few seconds if the design is unappealing. Just as your website shouldn't be overwhelming it also shouldn't be plain and boring. If you are unsure how to create the right balance, do a little research and check out other website designs that are similar to your brand. Also, web design services is another route, to ensure you have a website with the proper balance of creative design and simple navigation. Hiring a designer will give you the ability to provide your creative input and preferences while they are able to put everything together that will best appeal to potential customers. 

Descriptive Content

Content is key to answering the prospects questions. They need to know why your products and services can benefit them. The right content on your site can make you stand out from the rest and shine. So the question is, what is the right content that will turn viewers into customers? You already have a site with eye-catching design and of course, easy-to-find contact information but there is more content that you'll need to make your businesses grow. The content on each page should fully explain the topic so people are sure they can trust your services and move on to more information. Besides descriptive content on each page, here are a few more content items that should be added on your website:

  • Testimonials- Proudly display your feedback allowing people to give a star rating and section that they can express their thoughts and opinions. This will help prospects understand your skill set from someone who used the same products and services. 
  • FAQs Page- A Frequently Asked Questions page will provide answers to your policies and basic questions most people have about your products and services. Add a quick answer at the end of each question and links to an appropriate page on your site to lead them to even more information on the subject. 
  • Blogs- Business blogging is a strategic method to write a descriptive article on a topic related to your products and services. This is a great method that provides more information for prospects without flooding your landing pages with too much text. 

SEO Efforts 

SEO is essential to spread awareness of your business. Research what keywords people put into search engines that pertains to your services and will lead them right to your site. The content on your website should have keywords and links that will improve your SEO efforts. However, avoid flooding content, such as landing pages and blogs, with too many keywords to avoid being penalized in search engine rankings and tarnishing your credibility. Remember to create content to inform not to make a sale. Keywords help you get notice but informative content will be what draws prospects in further. Sophisticated content that can effectively engage and inform will lead to a high level of credibility. Growing is all about the effort and time to create and build relationships with valuable customers.  Content is a strategic way to express passion and knowledge of your business while also spreading awareness through effective keywords for Search Engine Optimization. Blogging  is also a key component in SEO. Keep in mind, blogging so you can overload on keywords will not get you noticed but in fact will penalize you because too many of the same keywords in one article will look like spam on search engines. Make sure to constantly update your information and keywords to keep them relevant to what people are searching. 

Call To Actions 

A great call to action (CTA) button can direct users, get them to take a desired action, improve conversion rates, and ultimately improve your lead generation. Let your users take action when they are happy with the information they read, by utilizing CTAs placed strategically on landing pages. A strong CTA button needs a few well thought out components for the appeal and functionality. You want to get those visitors to become leads, leads to become customers, and then customers to become promoters. Effective and creative CTA's can achieve those goals for your business. Here are some components to consider when creating a CTA:

  • Unique Design- Create a CTA button that stands out on a page but doesn't distract from the rest of the content. 
  • Catchy Text- The text should be short and to the point but a little more than "click here." 
  • Test The Link- Make sure the links on your CTA lead them to the appropriate form or guide you are providing.


Web analytics is the process of  tracking, collecting and measuring user activity on your site to spread awareness and increase traffic. The numbers may not be the most exciting aspect but it's important to see how your website is improving. Your web marketing team should be able to provide an accurate tracking of the number of visitors to your site and click on your call to action buttons. This will allow you to see your website traffic trends, the most popular pages and and areas of improvement. It's important to track your success and see what you can improve to better generate traffic to your site and turn prospects into leads. 

Creating a website may be difficult to do without help from professional developers that can see your project through. There are many components involved with website development and it's important each one is successfully met. Learn how to hire the best web developer to fit your needs by downloading the guide below. 

New Call-to-Action



Topics: SEO, content, Website

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