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7 Tips for Writing Effective Social Media Copy

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Jul 18, 2017 @ 11:30 AM

AdobeStock_50650107-min.jpegSocial media is an important part of branding and promoting your business. However, if your social media isn’t done right, it will be of no use to you. Ineffective social media can be harmful to your business, as potential customers are less likely to trust your brand. In order to make your social media effective, it’s important to properly construct each post. Here are some tips for writing effective copy on your company’s social media channels. 

1. Get Personal

It’s important to remember the social part of social media. Users are on social media to interact with others in an informal way. Leave the business rhetoric behind and focus on your audience. Use first person words like “I” and “we” to make your posts feel more personal and address your audience directly. Keeping your posts personal is the most effective way to get your message across on social media.

2. Develop a Voice

In addition be keeping your posts personal, it’s important to give your company a voice. Developing a voice for your company will help convey your company’s personality, making you more trustworthy. Your voice should remain consistent throughout your posts, maintaining a similar tone and style. Giving your company a voice is a great way to promote the trustworthiness of your brand. 

3. Be Brief and Straightforward

Don’t keep your audience guessing. Be direct with your message and don’t confuse your readers. While Twitter automatically limits your number of characters, Facebook does not. It’s important to keep your Facebook posts short enough that readers do not have to click “see more” to finish your post. Shorter social media posts have been proven to produce higher click through rates than long, complex ones.

4. Create a Strong Headline

With every post shared on social media, it’s important to create an effective, concise headline. It should grab the reader’s attention and make her want to read more. Make your headline as brief as possible while still conveying your message. Effective headlines make people curious about the rest of the post and evoke emotions that make people want to read on. Your headline should entice your reader into exploring your post.

5. Write Shareable Content

Social media is all about promoting your brand to your followers, to their followers, and to their followers’ followers. It’s important to create content that people want to share. Evoke emotions that make people want to read, and make people laugh when possible. Referencing and promoting popular causes is a great way to get attention as well. Use positive language in your posts, as most users are more likely to attach themselves to positive posts than negative ones.

6. Edit

Social media is much less formal than other platforms, but it’s still important to maintain a degree of professionalism. Your posts should feel personal and real, but they should not include errors. Spelling and grammar errors or typos make your brand seem less professional and trustworthy. Although the authenticity of your posts is important, error-free posts will result in improved trust among your readers and more social shares.

7. Include Visual Elements

Your copy is extremely important in social media posts, but the structure of your post matters as well. Studies have shown that text-only posts experience significantly less engagement than posts that include visual media. A good photo can grab your reader’s attention as she is scrolling through her feed. An interesting video will convey information better than a lengthy text post. Utilizing visual elements will improve click-through rates and convey information efficiently and effectively.


ImageWorks | CT Social Media Marketing

Implementing a social media strategy is not always a simple task, and can take more time than you have on your hands. When properly executed, a social media campaign can generate website traffic to your website, while bringing in new leads for your business, allowing you to connect with prospective buyers. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or would like to begin a social media campaign of your own!

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