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26 Things To Keep In Mind When You Develop A Website (Infographic)

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Sat, Jul 11, 2015 @ 12:30 PM

Whether your business has existed for years or you are just starting out, most business professionals understand that a strong web presence is essential for building a modern business. Designing a website is a momentous project, involving a detailed (and sometimes complex) decision making process. Planning ahead and thorough research can certainly help streamline the process.

It is essential that you learn to prioritize the most relevant information on your site, especially when you consider the implications of responsive design. When you are brainstorming ideas for your new site, you should aim to make content layout your chief priority, strategize for optimal conversion rates, and discover creative solutions. We realize this is not an easy task; however, we're here to help!

Check out this infographic by Pixaal, which offers informative tips on everything you need to keep track of as you develop your brand new website.


ImageWorks, LLC | Connecticut Website Design

If you partner with a company like Image Works LLC that specializes in both responsive web design and inbound marketing, you can merge your design and marketing goals together to create an appealing website that effectively draws in website traffic, converts leads into customers, and makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and communicate with your company.

Check out our web design portfolio for inspiration if you are still concerned!

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