Whether you are a business owner or employee, chances are you've by now witnessed the influence and power that web and social media presence have on our brands. Blogging for business is an asset too great to skim over.
Have you already been blogging for business? Check out these other helpful tips below.
- Designing A Content Marketing Strategy For Small Business Blogs
- 5 Major Challenges Marketers Face (And How to Solve Them)
- How Blogging For Business Gets You Customers
For any of you just starting out, the concept of blogging for business can be a bit confusing. Fear not! You're with the experts now. How can a blog possibly deliver customers to my doorstep? My business is doing just fine, why should I start a blog?
Truth is, you're doing much more than just writing for a quick sell. Blogging for business will keep you connected to your audience on an entirely new level, creating qualified sales opportunities in the future. Here's why:
1. Driving The Traffic You've Been Searching For
Blogging for business is an important aspect of driving quality traffic to your website. Each blog posted to your site creates a new indexed page. Frequent posts will let search engines like Google know that you are an active user and to regularly check back for new content and updates. Indexed pages create more opportunities to be discovered organically through search results. To dive deeper into search engine results and optimization, find out Which Factors Affect Your Websites Search Engine Rankings .
2. Convert Visitors Into Organized Leads
A spike in traffic to your website is a great step in the right direction! You now may be wondering, "I have all of this new website traffic, why am I still unable to sell?" As your traffic increases, it is important to filter and organize your visitors allowing you to determine which aspects of your business may be most beneficial to them. Including a CTA ( Call-to-Action) in each one of your blog posts is a simple, effective way of getting this done. CTA's should be visually appealing and deliver a FREE offer. Checklists, how-to's, e-books or any piece of content that will make your visitors intrigued and wiling to share their information. After accepting a CTA offer, you can gain a more sound understanding of the individuals buyer persona, and deliver them tailored content and offers in the future. Still unsure of what a CTA should look like? You'll find one towards the bottom of all our blogs!
3. Curate, Comfort, Close
By blogging for business, you are creating sales opportunities in both the present and future. Your blog presents you with a platform to connect with individuals and brands in your marketplace, as well as become a trusted thought leader. Today, we'll break it down as the, "Three C's".
Curate: Your new business blog will allow you to curate relationships with those who matter most to your brand. Giving your input on trending topics, addressing FAQ's, and providing insight to your latest and greatest products are all great ways to spark the interests of users.
Comfort: It's a great feeling to make a purchase from a brand you can believe in. Blogging for business gives you a platform to establish trust and loyalty with your readers. Whether a car dealership, web design agency, or burrito shop, as a buyer, I want to purchase from a reliable source that I feel comfortable with.
Close: The last stage of a buyers journey can of course be the hardest for many businesses to accomplish. Closing customers. When taking these steps in blogging for businesses, you can be sure that your closing customers are qualified buyers who are likely to be satisfied with your product or service. One that has been led through an honest and informative sales funnel is much more likely to be a returning customer and refer others in the direction of your business.
ImageWorks, LLC | CT Inbound Marketing
Following these 3 tips when blogging for business will have you off to a great start. Sparking new traffic, sorting your visitors, and nurturing your leads is something to be proud of.
Inbound marketing is a full circle process. Partnering with a team such as ImageWorks,LLC allows you to to capitalize on new opportunities and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. We create content tailored to your ideal customer and our team works tirelessly to to attract, covert, analyze and integrate.