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Which Factors Affect Your Website's Search Engine Rankings? (Infographic)

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Jun 24, 2016 @ 03:30 PM

Are you aware of the factors that influence your authority in Google's search engine result pages? Many industry professionals have contended that there are approximately 200 ranking factors that play a role in Google's algorithm. Though professionals have gleamed useful information concerning google's algorithms through testing and careful observation, things have been known to change quickly, and if you're not careful, you may find your business knee deep in bad advice. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't clear-cut strategies you can count on-- in fact, there are things Google is quite clear about and factors we know for a fact have an impact.
In it's most basic form, SEO is focused on editing your site so that it's easy for each engines to crawl, intuitive for users who visit with a purpose, stuffed to the gills with interesting content, and well-promoted to people who want to know what services/products you're offering.
As a budding business leader or marketer, it pays great dividients to have a rudimentary understanding of the factors that really do affect SEO rankings. So, use this infographic provided by Ben Norman (SEO Consultant) as a crash course. The infographic covers the most basic factors that you should consider incorporating into your SEO strategy.

Factors Which Contribute To Your SEO Rankings Infographic
Source: Ben Norman, SEO Consultant

ImageWorks, LLC | Search Engine Optimization in CT

Never depend on search engine optimization alone for the growth of your business. Often the businesses that fail are the ones that depend on SEO alone for the entire growth of their business. The companies that survive and thrive are the ones that have a solid approach and market in a variety of ways both online and offline. SEO can be a big piece; however, it is only one slice of the marketing pie.
By integrating all of today's Web tools including SEO, social media, pay per click, and premium blogging content, ImageWorks can provide a level of permission based marketing that will turn your site into a lead generation tool. With continued nurturing programs, you become a trusted source, and convert prospects to customers.

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Topics: SEO Tips, SEO strategy, SEO Basics

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