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5 Tips to Manage Your Social Media in the Busy Season

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Dec 11, 2018 @ 10:15 AM

During the holidays, everyone has a million things to do. Between holiday shopping, decorating, and all the obligatory parties, most people don’t have a moment to themselves. Businesses are no different, with these obligations on top of end of the year reports and often the busiest time for sales. When you and your employees are spreading themselves so thin during this time of the year, it can be difficult to give your social media the time it deserves. For tips on managing your social media during this busy season, check out the post below.

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1. Schedule Your Content

Creating content ahead of time is a great way to get ahead during the busy season. Create your posts, then schedule the posts ahead of time, allowing them to be published at different times throughout the season. You can use a scheduling platform like Hubspot or Hootsuite to schedule your posts. On Facebook, you can even schedule the posts right from your business page. Scheduling your posts is the best way to ensure that you’re posting every day, even when you get busy. It’s also a good way to make sure that you won’t miss any major holidays or events. Since your sales are pre-planned, you can also take advantage of scheduling your content to promote your sales to be sure you never miss a promotional opportunity. Once you schedule out your content, you can fill in extra posts as you go along to keep the content fresh.

2. Avoid Controversial Content

Controversial content can spark engagement on your social media, but you should only post it when you have time to closely monitor the comments. For this reason, you should avoid posting controversial content during the busy season. Instead, post universally appealing content about your business and your industry. During the holiday season, you can create holiday-themed posts that will encourage engagement without creating controversy. Choose posts that are enjoyable without creating controversy to avoid any needing to closely monitor your content and comments during the busy season.

3. Download Social Apps on Your Phone

One great way to manage your social media during this busy time of the year is to make sure anyone in charge of managing social media downloads social media apps onto their phones. When your social is on your phone, you can manage it on the go without needing to be near a computer. Any time you have a spare five minutes you can pull up your social and create a post, interact with your followers, and view reports. Downloading social apps onto your phone is the best way to make sure you can effectively manage your social media accounts amidst your busy life.

4. Share Relevant Content

If you don’t have time to craft a post, you can always share other people’s relevant posts. Sharing posts is a great way to show your followers that you’re more interested in providing them with valuable content than simply promoting your business. It’s also a good way to develop relationships with other pages relevant to yours to encourage them to share your content in the future. Most importantly during this time of the year, though, sharing a post is a quick, easy way to make sure that your page remains active every day without taking too much time out of your day.

5. Hire a Social Media Marketing Agency

Some people simply can’t make the time to manage their business’s social media effectively. Moreover, some people might not know all of the best practices to ensure the most successful strategy. In these cases, your best bet is to hire a social media marketing agency to manage your social media. The agency will be well-informed on the latest and best practices to create a successful social media marketing strategy year-round. You can rest easy knowing your business’s social media is taken care of even in the busiest time of the year.


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Does your social media marketing strategy consistently fall short of your goals? Knowing is half the battle. If it’s time to rethink your strategy, all is not lost. Do research on what others in your industry are doing in social media: what works, what doesn’t and their tone.  Take the time to get to know what your potential clients or customers want to see from you.

We understand that social media can be overwhelming, and it's not always easy to change with each update or refresh. If you are looking to boost your social media marketing then you may want to take a step back and reevaluate the online presence you already have.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Holiday Digital Marketing, Managing Social Media

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