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7 B2B Content Marketing Trends You Should Know for 2019

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Mar 07, 2019 @ 09:45 AM

Technology is constantly changing, meaning businesses are constantly updating their content marketing strategies to stay on top of the latest trends. This demand is even greater for B2B businesses, as they’re hoping to establish themselves as leaders in their industries to other leaders in their respective industries. Because B2B businesses are always looking to stay on top of the latest content marketing trends,  Business2Community posted a handy infographic to help keep B2B businesses informed. Check it out below!

 b2b content marketing

ImageWorks, LLC | CT Inbound Marketing Strategy

Buyer personas can be used to ensure any content you create is focused around the goals, pain points and interests of your target audience. A company with inbound marketing expertise can be especially helpful with developing marketing personas because they are usually already familiar with personas relevant to your industry.

We specialize in both responsive web design and CT inbound marketing, so you can merge your design and marketing goals together to create an appealing website that effectively draws in website traffic, converts leads into customers, and makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and communicate with your company.

CT Inbound Marketing Strategy Session

Topics: content marketing, B2B Marketing, Content Marketing Trends

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