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7 Ways to Give Your Website a Summer Spruce

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Jun 21, 2018 @ 10:30 AM

Website traffic often goes down in the summer, which creates a perfect window to give your website a little revamping! Changes to your website in the summer are a great idea because they can go somewhat unnoticed, allowing you the opportunity to repeatedly make tweaks without confusing visitors. While these improvements will go largely unnoticed, they will help improve traffic to your site. Here are some ways you can freshen up your website this summer.

summer website

1. Create New Banners

Freshening up the banners on both your website and your social media outlets is an easy way to give your site a little spruce. When possible, use bright colors and relate your banners to the summer months. These banners are typically the first thing a person sees on your page, so it’s important to keep them new and interesting.

2. Add New Calls to Action

It’s a good idea to make sure that your calls to action are still relevant. Creating new calls to action can help your conversion rates and keep your website current. Consider adding a call to action specific to summer to attract more attention. Be sure to rid of any irrelevant calls to action and change up the designs to keep the look fresh.

3. Add New Images

People never get tired of looking at pictures. Updating your pictures is a good way to keep your content fresh. Take some pictures of your office and your work to avoid too many stock photos. Photos are a great way to show off what your company does and put faces to your company. Your visitors will appreciate your updates and be interested to see what new pictures appear on your site.

4. Spruce Up Your Color Palette

If you already have an established color palette, brighten up your colors. Make small changes to fonts and change colors of different pieces of your site. Small changes can make a world of difference. If you don’t already have an established color palette, now is a great time to choose one! Choose a few colors that represent your business well and look appealing. Be sure to keep your site bright and attractive while still looking clean and easy to read.

5. Add Some Humor

Summer is a great time to relax and add some humor to your site! Everyone loves to laugh. Consider adding a few funny pictures or videos that give your site some personality. Of course, it’s important to maintain the quality of your content and not go overboard with jokes and funny pictures. However, adding a few funny pieces here and there will be enjoyable for you and for your site visitors.

6. Update Your “About Us” Page

This page is more important than people think. It’s your opportunity to give your business a voice and a personality. Tell your story and really sell yourself. You don’t need to write something lengthy, but give your potential customers a good idea of where your business came from and what you can offer them. If your “About Us” page sounds bland, it makes your company sound bland. Updating this page can really set a new tone for the rest of your site.

7. Add New Testimonials

Reviews are a great way to promote your business, but having old reviews can send the wrong message. Include some recent reviews to show visitors that people are actively using your business and having a good experience. If possible, reach out to customers with whom you have a good relationship and ask them to write a couple sentences. These testimonials are a great way to promote your business in a way that builds trust with potential customers.


ImageWorks LLC | CT Web Design

Websites may not have expiration dates, but there are signs that they’ve gone bad. If your website loads slowly, is difficult to navigate, reflects poorly on your brand, or isn’t mobile friendly, then it’s time for a website redesign. Your website is an important asset to your business and a website redesign can help your business attract more leads and convert those leads into customers.

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Topics: website redesign, Summer, Summer Website Changes, Website Changes

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