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Are Business Bloggers Getting Results? [Infographic]

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Jan 09, 2018 @ 10:30 AM

Blogging has been a popular and important part of successful businesses' digital marketing strategies for many years. However, as the internet and the ways we consume content have changed, digital marketing strategies have evolved to suit these changes. With all of these changes in strategy, you might wonder if blogging is still relevant.

For the past four years, Orbit Media Studios has surveyed over 1000 business bloggers in hopes of gaining insight into the ever-changing world of business blogging. Over the course of these surveys one fact remains: blogging continues to yield stronger results year after year.

Although the trend of increasing success remains constant, many other aspects of business blogging have experienced significant changes. The process of creating a blog as changed, as has the content contained in blog posts. Hubspot put together the following infographic to summarize the results found in the fourth annual blogging survey.

blogger survey infographic-min.png

ImageWorks, LLC | CT Business Blogging

Are you ready to create a blog for your business but you're not sure how to start? Are you looking to revamp your blog but you're not sure what changes to make? We can help! ImageWorks, LLC is a CT digital marketing company that specializes in creating expert blogs that employ the latest SEO strategies. Our blogs will improve your website's search results and establish your business as an expert in your field.

If you're ready to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level with compelling blogs written by SEO experts, contact us today!

CT Inbound Marketing Strategy Session

Topics: Blogging for Business, blog writing ct, Business Blogging

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