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Tech Firm vs Marketing Firm. A CT Web Design Firm Weighs In.

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Jun 15, 2012 @ 09:47 AM

If you are like most companies today, you may be wondering if your Web Development initiatives are producing the results you desire. Although there are many root causes for Web performance, we see over and over again Web sites that are created to be technically very sound, but not built with inbound marketing in mind. This is the result of both the efficiency of technology companies to be able to produce Web sites, and the marekting companies inability to adapt to the digital age.

Now that marketing has gone digital, many CEOs of small businesses are overwhelmed and completely abdicating involvement in marketing execution. Not understanding SEO, website analytics and social media can be a fatal blow to many small businesses in today's online economy.

You can’t lead a business if you don’t understand how your market engages, and a Webtow site development firm that does't have any marketing experience is not going to be able to generate sales opportunities building you a Web site that does not employ current strategies and tactics.  Almost everywhere, digital marketing has overtaken “traditional marketing,” and those who are not agile enough to change with the times are finding themselves in left in the dark.

That's the bad news. The GOOD news is that your marketing ROI is more measurable now than ever. This should be great news for business leaders, who have always had a hard time justifying marketing expenses when success has been difficult to measure.

Business leaders need to understand the basics of digital marketing, including search, social media, blogs, analytics, email marketing, mobile, and how they all integrate to drive business to their companies.

Need help? Go online (it’s all here), hire an expert, attend marketing conferences or hire that next employee who already understands it. 

As a business owner or executive, you don't have to be an expert in everything, but you do need to surround yourself with those who are.

What are you waiting for? Your cheese is moving.

Topics: Inbound Marketing, CT web design, CEO

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