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Not All CMS Applications Are Created Equal

Posted by Jesse Cohen on Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 12:32 PM

What are CMS Applications?

A content management system (CMS) is an application that allows for the creation and editing of content and site maintenance. A properly built CMS can be a beneficial tool for many businesses. However, if used in the wrong situation, a CMS can do more harm than good. Let's look at the pros and cons of a CMS.



1. Content can be created without the need of an experienced web developer. Anyone can do the job!

2. Multiple users can access the same CMS.

3. A CMS can be custom tailored to fit your business' needs.

4. Professional looking Web sites can benefit for a CMS.


1. CMS's can be expensive, and the wrong platform can get you into trouble.

2. A CMS can create more security issues if many users have access to it.

3. Mistakes can be made more easily because the website changes can be uploaded instantly.

3. Some CMS's have a sharp learning curve.

A content management system can be a powerful tool if wielded by the right hands in the right way.

Some common CMS pitfalls include:

Many business owners opt for a content management system to manage their website with an expectation that this will save money in the long run and solve all of their problems going forward by granting them unlimited access and control over their website. They think that for free, they'll be able to run their entire site without the need to pay a web developer for frequent updates. While a CMS does offer more control, it is purposely designed to be less complicated and thereby more user-friendly for the layperson. This means that expandability is sacrificed to promote ease of use. Many clients are disappointed when they realize they can only control certain aspects of their site, when in fact, they had unrealistic expectations to begin with.

In the same breath, some content management systems really can handle entire websites. Obviously, this complexity requires more web design experience. Clients with these types of systems often become overwhelmed by the myriad of options.

So what advice can we give you? Working with a developer who can build your site using many different CMS options allows them to help provide you with the right options for your particular project.

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Topics: Content Management System, cms, CMS Applications, Drupal, Wordpress, Content Managements Systems, Web Content

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