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3 Ways to Optimize Your Content Marketing Campaign

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Fri, Mar 01, 2013 @ 04:00 PM

As a CT inbound marketing company, we often field questions from businesses on how they can get more from their content marketing campaign. If you want to drive business to your website, create awareness about your brand or maximize your marketing efforts, then it all starts with content. According to Velocity Partners, nine out of ten b2b marketers will be producing much more content next year than they did this year. Good content will drive business but great content will drive business, increase your audience, build your brand and create a culture.

So the real question is- are you producing the good content?

content marketing1) Produce Audio/Video

If your business has been "blogged to death" then maybe it's time to step up your content marketing outlets. We recommend buying a webcam or handheld audio/video device to capture all of your great brand moments. Even if you think that you have absolutely nothing to capture on video, you're probably wrong. Have you spoken at public events or captured remote video on your computer? Any video that you capture, no matter how amateur, will be a great way to show off your brand. You can take those clips and later repurpose them into various forms of media, including podcast series or presentations. Sound bites or podcasts series can increase your reach and complement your previous marketing efforts.

content marketing meme

2) Be Visual

Content doesn't have to be wordy. One of the best ways to reach a broad audience is to provide visuals that are universally understandable. Rummage through your image archives and put your creative shoes on, creating visual content can be easy and fun!

Whether you choose to make a photo montage ("Scenes From My Desk") or a picture gallery ("Top Ten Drinks of 2013"), the information you provide will be easily conveyed. Personally, we love infographics and memes because they are interesting, funny and digestible for readers. Pair your visual content with white papers, guides and articles to really boost your content marketing campaign. Like they say, a picture says a thousand words.


content marketing3) Repackage

If you have the content, why not use it? Yes, you can repackage your content and we won't tell on you. If you have already published the content, you can easily repurpose it into something different. Pull out stats or quotes from a lengthy white paper and turn it into a fun infographic! Another great way to repackage material is to recap blog posts and remind customers of all the past topics that you have vast knowledge on. Chances are, if the person is interested in the master post than they will refer back to the previous posts that it derives from.

 Don't be afraid to routinely repackage your content! You can keep your audience interested by changing formats, writing about the same topic from a different angle, or breaking the content into smaller pieces. More consumers than ever are reading content on their mobile devices, so smaller bits of information can be easier to read. Don't forget- smaller bits of content can still pack a big punch!

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