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What is the Importance of Mobile Marketing?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Nov 15, 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Mobile marketing is designed to give your website visitors what they want on a mobile device. Simple enough right? And, even though mobile marketing hasn't been around that long, it has easily become a necessity for companies in order to ensure their business stays relevant. Especially since Google saying they will penalize companies that aren't switching to mobile. 

4 out of 5 consumers use smartphones to shop.

If you haven't felt the urge to switch to mobile, you're going to have to shift your sights into the mobile marketing industry. Trust me, a whole new window of opportunity will open for you. These days, more people access the internet through cellular phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. That being said, the mobile world is proving to become a very important business tool that companies need to invest time and research into. If you're still searching for your reason to start your mobile marketing campaign, take a look at this infographic from Milo for some quick stats as to why switching to mobile should be included in your near future.

MILO infographic


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