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How Can I Increase My Twitter Followers?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Mar 14, 2014 @ 04:53 PM

Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool for any business, but it can also be hard to maintain if you aren't sure how to use it properly. It's one of the only platforms to have a character limit, and to make matters worse, sometimes it's a struggle to keep your posts within that 140 characters. More than that, how do you maintain and grow your followers simply by using 140 characters?

Although it might be a struggle at first, increasing your Twitter following is an important part of any social media marketing strategy. Mainly because it can increase your brand awareness, promote your content, like blogs, videos, or eZines, improve your website through link building, and can even drive traffic to your site. So what's the magic secret to help you expand your company into the open arms of the Twitter-sphere? Below are some quick tips to get you on your way!

  • Work on tweeting more often.

  • Use trending hashtags to expand your visibility.

  • Follow people in your industry.

  • Retweet, and mention people who share interesting content.

  • Promote your Twitter account profile on your website, newsletters, and other social platforms.

Interested in more ways you can increase your Twitter engagement and gain more followers? Take a look at this infographic from WhoIsHostingThis? for even more helpful tips and tricks!

double your twitter followers in just 5 minutes per day 52fb0fb6ca464 w600 resized 600



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