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5 Basic Tips to Attract More Website Visitors

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, May 16, 2014 @ 01:08 PM

Website TrafficWhether you're a new marketer or a veteran, you are aware that the first step in any successful inbound campaign is to attract strangers to visit your site. However, actually putting this into practice can be quite difficult. You're worried about a myriad of other things like getting bottom-line results or keeping up with the latest marketing trends, so it's easy to forget about that first step. The key to making it a priority in your marketing strategy is to believe that generating traffic is possible. Increasing website traffic and visitors doesn't have to be a gamble-- there are a few secure ways people do it. To make sure you are aware of these tips, we have broken down some of the most effective ways you can generate traffic to your website.

Create content using the appropriate keywords

Your keywords are the reason anonymous searchers can get to your website; however, in order for searchers to actually visit your site, they have to be interested in the content behind the search listing. The most effective way to know what those searchers want is to know your personas. You should be creating content with keywords focused on the problems that your personas face or the goals they are hoping to achieve. This works because people are actively looking for solutions to those problems. If you have content that helps solve their problems, searchers will find and visit your site.

Publish Blog Content on a Regular Basis

If you want to attract traffic to your site, you have to keep blogging consistently. It's not enough to just blog about keywords that are relevant to your personas. According to Hubspot’s 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report, "businesses that blog daily are almost 70% more likely to report a positive return-on-investment than businesses that blog only once a month." Essentially, blogging on a regular basis can produce large benefits-- benefits in the form of more visitors, leads, and even customers. Also, Blogging on a regular basis gives search engines a reason to crawl your website on a regular basis. This helps to give you more opportunities for those search engines to discover your pages, index them, and serve those pages up on search engine result pages.

Optimize your Website for "Searchers"

Great websites are not optimized for search engines; rather, they're optimized for the people using search engines. Here's the positive news: Search engines consider sites optimized for searchers to be fully optimized as well. So, by optimizing your website for the actual people who come to visit it, you are simultaneously optimizing it for search engines as well. When you think about creating a website experience that will attract more visitors to your site, be sure you're first thinking about the searchers themselves. What do they want to see? What are they looking for help with? How can you best serve them? If you create a website optimized for searchers, search engines will follow.

Write Blog Posts on Topics People Need Answers To

Many people assume that only website pages can help you attract traffic to your site; however, your blog can be one of the most effective tools you have to get new visitors. You should be optimizing your blog around the keywords that your buyer personas are searching for; you should be doing the same thing with your blog posts. What are your personas' most frequently asked questions? What are the problems they are facing and searching for help with out on the Internet? These are your blog post topics.

Answer Prospects' Questions on Social Media Using Blog Content

Seek out opportunities where your industry knowledge can be of assistance. For instance, you could reply to social media posts and queries by including relevant blog articles or website pages in those responses. By doing this, those strangers and prospects not only get the help they were looking for, but you also get a new visitor to your website. As long as you are not just spamming people with links to your website-- you are actually helping them-- this can be a great tactic.


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Topics: SEO Firm, how to promote your blog, Search Engine Optimization, Copywriting Tips, Website success, CT Inbound Marketing, website traffic

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