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5 Best Practices To Help Promote Your Business On Social Media

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Sep 09, 2016 @ 02:00 PM

Promote Business On Social MediaSo, you may have heard about the benefits of social media marketing. You have heard that it can construct a community of loyal followers; that it will help bring more repeat business, more brand recognition, and pretty much everything else you could have wished for. However, results don't just happen the minute after you create a Twitter handle or a Facebook page. It's not an easy task for small business owners to build a business on 140 character statements. The point is: There is nothing automatic or easy about social media success, and requires more than a little effort. "Where should I begin," you may ask. Well, this blog will include 5 tips that can help you make a difference in reaching and connecting with your audience.

Post Content At The Appropriate Time

It's not always best to post content on social media in real time. Instead, you should take time to review analytics and determine which times generally receive the most engagement. Take this for example; if your business mainly markets itself to other businesses, you should post during office hours, so you will be visible to other businesses. Or, if you are marketing to teenagers and young adults, you should post during the late afternoon or evening when they are not in school. IF you need help scheduling and managing your posts, Hubspot can be a wonderful tool.

Include Visuals

Text and links are important for communication; however, they can’t work alone: visual content, especially photos and videos, has an enormous impact on audiences. Be sure to add an image top your post whenever possible, and you won’t be disappointed.

Be Direct

Whenever possible, it is beneficial to mention the exact action you wish your audience to take in your post. For example, if you want a share, ask for it. If you want a follower to click on a link, write, “click here.” Be clear and direct about what you want from your audience. Many people assume that good content should be liked, retweeted, shared, favorite and commented on automatically; however, this is not always the case. If you don’t say what you want, your audience will not know what you want.

Use Humor/Personality

Connect with your audience on a human level through social media with personality. Both humor and creativity increase the chances that your brand is remembered.  If humor is not a part of your online brand identity, don't fret;use creativity to make your company stand out. If humor is apart of your online identity, make sure the humor is consistent with your identity and what you represent.

Engage With Your Followers

If your business has managed to develop a following on social media, you will need to take the time to maintain those followers by engaging with them on a regular basis. This can be one of the most difficult steps for successful social media management. Reply to those accounts that frequently mention your business or industry. Then start engaging with those users to generate great conversation and buzz around the industry.

ImageWorks, LLC

Implementing a social media strategy is not always a simple task, and can take more time than you have on your hands. When properly executed, a social media campaign can generate website traffic to your website, while bringing in new leads for your business, allowing you to connect with prospective buyers. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or would like to begin a social media campaign of your own!

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