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5 Reasons Why Nobody Reads Your Blog

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Mar 06, 2015 @ 11:47 AM

describe the imageThe art of blogging is a complex skill to master. The end goal of every blog post is to provide the world with blog content that readers want to engage with. At the beginning your blog is like a blank canvas; you could do anything on your canvas. The tricky part about it is would your readers read just anything? 

Many bloggers have learned the hard way. They blog about things that satisfy them then they find themselves being the only one who cares. No one ever said captivating readers with your blog posts was going to be easy.

The lesson that can come of this is to notice the mistakes that you are making when generating your blog content. Once you have identified your mistakes and have changed them, you should no longer be riding solo.  

You are boring and your readers know it:

In a world filled with blog gurus the race to stand out among them is a competitive one. It is likely that you wont finish the race with dull blog posts. You can’t captivate your audience writing about topics that have been written about a million times over again unless you have something new to say. Plan your topics and blog titles accordingly by coming up with fresh ideas that your readers have never read before. Challenge yourself, do your research, and strive to generate world shattering blog posts. You will be left in the dust if you continue to cover the same lifeless topics.

Know your audience better than they know themselves:

Know who you are writing your blog posts for. Your blog content should be customized to a specific audience. Know their habits, know their needs, know their deepest darkest secrets. Ok, maybe not their darkest secrets but you get the point. If you don’t make a point to learn about your audience then they will not make a point to learn or read about you.


A first impression is significant. It can determine how you are viewed for the rest of your life. The same concept can relate to your blog posts. Ugly blog posts do not catch the attention of readers like attractive posts do. Your blog content and blog titles could be incredible but if your posts aren’t visually satisfying then you should plan on kissing your readers goodbye. 

No one cares about how awesome you are:

Have you ever had that friend that only talks about herself? Yeah, no one likes that girl, so don’t be that girl! It’s not your job to talk about yourself. Its your job to focus on your readers and talk about their needs and their problems. They are the ones reading your blog posts, so focus on what they want to read.

Who are you again?

Consistency is key to being remembered by your readers. Imagine that the person reading your blog post is a friend. If you don’t call or text or visit your friend, do you think your friend is going to want to make an effort to be your friend anymore? The answer is no they would not want to hear from you after ten years of silence. You have to take the time to build a lasting and consistent relationship with your readers just like you do with your friends. It takes time and a lot of blog posts to build something worth going back to.

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