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What Are The Most Important Social Media Platforms?

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, May 06, 2015 @ 04:11 PM

describe the imageIf you are an online marketer you should have one or all of these platforms for your company depending on your industry. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most popular platforms to market your business on. They are the most effective for growing your reach and staying connected with your customers.

This blog will discuss the benefits of marketing your business on each of these platforms.


Facebook is a social media network with a growing number of users. This social media platform is one of the most successful platforms to use when leveraging a social media campaign. It is a free marketing tool that allows you to build a community and reach out to your target audience through your Facebook page and posts.

Facebook gives you the opportunity to build brand awareness and increase your exposure among your customers. Facebook allows you learn about your customer and create and choose what messages you want them to be exposed to. This networking tool also gives you the opportunity to show your customers that your company has a personality of its own.

If you are a social media marketer it is very important that your company has an established Facebook presence. It allows you to share content, stay connected, and increase your exposure.


Twitter is a social media network that allows you to captivate your readers in just 140 characters. This platform allows you to send brief updates and information to customers without flooding their newsfeed with information. It allows you to keep your messages short and sweet.

Twitter is also a beneficial tool for social media marketers because it is a quick way to stay up to date with what is going on in your industry. Twitter is a great networking tool that all social media marketers should have because it is a fast and easy way to provide and receive information and updates.


Every company should have a LinkedIn account. It is a professional networking platform that allows you to make connections with other professionals in your industry. People are able to see who you are associated with professionally and you are able to see who they are associated with. Networking with customers and other people in your industry is easy when you join LinkedIn.

LinkedIn can also be used to promote your business as well. People who have personal accounts are able to connect with your businesses account to get updates and information about your business. LinkedIn is a beneficial tool for everyone.

If you are an online marketer these are three social media platforms that your company should have. All of these platforms allow you to build a community and expand your reach, stay connected and allow you to provide customers with information about your company. 

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