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How Do I Get Noticed By CT Businesses On LinkedIn?

Posted by Stephen Pace on Tue, May 26, 2015 @ 09:05 AM

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LinkedIn is a very useful and informative social media network. Unlike any other social media, LinkedIn is a useful tool that is used by professionals to connect with colleagues, fellow business owners, and friends. But LinkedIn also features links to education, jobs, and shared interests that can really help professional expand their knowledge and network. But like other social networks it is difficult to get noticed within the slew of people that have a LinkedIn. There are a few tactics you can use that are simple but  have a great impact.

Have a Picture

 Having a Picture on your LinkedIn seems simple enough but it can go a long way. If you choose not to place a picture on your LinkedIn then your friends and other professionals will not know if it is you or a computer they are connecting with. Also any pictureof yourself will not due, your LinkedIn picture needs to meet a few credentials. Make sure that you look happy; a smile goes a long way. Use a picture where you are dressed well, one from a previous job, wedding, or professional event will work. Remember the point of LinkedIn is it’s a site for professionals by professionals, so don’t use a picture in which your impaired or going out. Look nice this will encourage others to want to connect with you.

Show Off a Little

 Everyone has a set of skills in which they can brag a little about, this can become useful on LinkedIn. Although you might not realize it your LinkedIn account is an extension of your resume, so use that extra space to talk about any professional certifications, volunteer work, etc. Showing off and bragging are two different things, make sure that you are promoting yourself but not forming a sense of superiority because of your previous success.

Reach Out

 Although you may not know someone you are requesting to connect with it doesn’t hurt to connect with likeminded individuals. If you are searching for a job or are new to LiknedIn it helps to connect with people you know and others in that same field as yourself. Networking is one of the best things you can do for yourself in this digital age. Finally if you reach out to an individual or business it shows that you have interest and drive.

Be Professional

LinkedIn is not the place to vent, rant, or post pictures from a party because that is what other social media sites are for if you feel inclined. Think of the separation between home and business when you post on LinkedIn. Certain issues are fine to talk about elsewhere but LinkedIn is a place to discuss business, changes in the business environment, and breakthrough that certain fields are making.

Although making a large impact on LinkedIn is seemingly hard there are many steps that you can take to get noticed more easily. Social Media is a science, but cracking the code is very easily learned if you know what puts the odds in your favor.

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