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How Do I Create A Blog Post People Will Enjoy Reading? (Infographic)

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, May 10, 2017 @ 11:34 AM

How Do I Create A Blog Post?

How do I create a blog post? What do people actually want to read? Is it okay to "be myself" when writing? These are just a few of the many questions you may find yourself asking before creating a blog for your business or brand. Luckily, you're not crazy and you've come to the right place for some answers!

There's no question that it's a great idea to create a blog post for your business. 77% of Internet users read blogs (source) and 61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog (source). Whether you're selling a product, promoting a service or just sharing a piece of your mind, there's a great chance for your content to make an impact considering, 346 million people read blogs throughout the world (source).

Below you will find the "blogging food groups". These groups stress the importance of a well-balanced blog. From statistical and how-to content to amusing stories and light-hearted humor, be sure to consider this dosage of "portion control" to ensure that you create a blog post people will enjoy reading! 

Create A Blog Post Worth Reading

Analyze Your Results & Tailor Your Content

Measuring and analyzing your blog post performance is an important component to keeping your readers satisfied and engaged. This allows you to see which post are performing well by the number of views, shares,clicks to CTAs and other measurable data using a CMS such as, HubSpot. If a blog is not performing as well as another you can try fixing the title, adding more efficient keywords, or in many cases you may need to adjust the content topic all together. Monitoring your results will allow you to create a blog post that keeps your audience coming back for more.

Content Marketing | ImageWorks,LLC

ImageWorks, LLC specializes in both design and content marketing, you can weave your design and marketing goals together into an appealing website destination that effectively draws in traffic, informs your readers, converts leads into customers, and makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and communicate with your company.

More questions? Still wondering how to create a blog post people will enjoy reading? Let's Talk!

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