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How to Create a Facebook Local Event for Your Business

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Apr 06, 2018 @ 12:15 PM

Facebook Events are a great way to promote your business. The events themselves can help you gain contacts, personalize your brand, and promote your business to your local community. The Facebook event will help you improve your visibility on the social network and increase the amount of people who attend your event. Read below to learn about the advantages of local Facebook events for businesses and how to go about creating one.



On your desktop, you can see local events in the “Events” section of Facebook. On your mobile device, the “Facebook Local” app is an extension of the Facebook app itself, much like the Messenger app. In both of these cases, people can search events happening in their area. The Facebook Local app is even integrated with business discovery and engagement tools such as Yelp and Foursquare. Facebook events can be very useful for your business because they provide you with another venue on which to promote your business.

Merge Your Facebook Place and Business Pages

Most businesses on Facebook have an automatic place page that Facebook creates, attached to its location. If you have created a business page for your business, it does not erase the place page. For this reason, if you have a place page, you need to merge it with your business page. First, search for your page to see what comes up. If you have a place page, click on the “is this your business” button and merge it with your verified business page. This step is important to avoid confusion. Events are organized by location, so it’s important to avoid the confusion of two separate pages when people are searching for local events.

Create Your Event

To create your event, go to the event section on Facebook and click on “create event.” Be sure to have an attractive title and include as much information as possible about your event. The more information you include, the better chance you will have at people finding your event. Classify your event and include a brief but complete description. You should then link your business page to your event page and invite as many relevant people as possible.

Promote Your Event

Once your event has been created, you’ll need to promote it. Share the event on your business page. Talk about your event in different posts and link to it. Encourage other people to share and talk about your event as well. While attending your event, get visitors to check in at your event on Facebook in order to further promote it. You should also consider using Facebook live at your event. Not only will this create more buzz around your event, but it will allow your business to be visible on another section of Facebook, the live section at the top. It will also notify all of your followers that you were live, reminding them of the event.


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