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How to Get More Traffic to Your Company Facebook Page

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Jul 16, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

With over 2.3 billion users worldwide, Facebook is an important marketing tool on which businesses need to establish a presence. However, simply having a page on Facebook isn’t enough: people need to actually visit your page. If your company’s Facebook page isn’t seeing much traffic, you’re not making use of the benefits that Facebook can have for your business. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you get more traffic to your company Facebook page and build your following.facebook traffic

Optimize Your Page Info

The first few things that people see when looking at your Facebook page are your profile picture, cover photo, and a short description. Therefore, it’s important to brand yourself well with these components, making sure that each piece is descriptive and engaging. Be sure to fill out all of the subcategories in the information section, including details such as your business hours, address, phone number, website url, and any other useful information. Filling out as much information as possible will improve your search rankings both within Facebook and on Google.

Use Facebook Ads

Because of updates to Facebook in the last few years, it is almost impossible for business pages to gain visibility organically on Facebook. If your page is already popular, you might be able to rely on tags, shares, and mentions. However, if you’re working on building your following, Facebook ads are the best way to increase traffic to your page. These ads are designed to be highly targeted, allowing you to reach your exact target audience by narrowing down factors such as age, occupation, interests, and gender.

Post Engaging Content

One of the best ways to get more likes on Facebook is to post content that people want to engage with. When people enjoy your content, they will like, comment, and share. When a person shares or likes your post, it will show up on the news feeds of each of their friends. In order to create engaging content, make sure it’s interesting, informative, and entertaining. Posts that are topical, evoke emotions, or educate the audience typically have strong engagement.

Post Regularly

The timing and regularity of your posts is important to the success of your Facebook page. If you do not post content often, people will not like your page or will unlike it. Be sure to pay attention to the times at which your posts receive the most engagement and post the most at those times. Although it will vary based on your company, in general, you should be posting at least once a day, especially between 1PM-4PM.

Promote Your Page

You should promote your Facebook page on every possible channel to encourage likes. Share it on your evergreen content. Provide a link to your Facebook on your website, email signature, marketing email footers, and business cards. All of your marketing material should provide a link to your Facebook page that will make it easily accessible with one click.

Invite Your Community

The easiest way to get more likes on your Facebook page is to make sure that everyone in your existing community has liked your page. All of your employees, current customers, and business/industry partners should be encouraged to like your page. People within your community are likely to find your content interesting and be able to relate, making them ideal followers. You should also include calls to action on all emails encouraging those with whom you have correspondence to like your Facebook page.

Use Social Plugins

You should include Facebook plugins with your content. These tools will allow your audience to easily share your content to Facebook without having to leave their current page. The same concept can be applied to a comments plugin that will allow followers to comment on your page without leaving their current page. Social plugins are a great way to ease the process of followers sharing and promoting your Facebook page.

Run a Contest

Contests are a great way to encourage people to share your post and improve your page’s visibility. Typically, contests involve an offer or prize of some sort and select a winner from viewers who share the post and like the page. Contests get people excited about your content and encourage people to share. It’s an easy way to garner excitement around your page and make your content relevant to more people. Running a contest will increase your visibility, which will, in turn, increase the likes on your page.

Use Facebook Analytics

When you use social media monitoring, you can easily see which posts have performed the best and at what times. You can use this information to learn what types of post you should be creating and what time of day is optimal for posting. If your posts have a lot of engagement, visitors are more likely to like your page to join in on the conversation. One of the best ways to encourage engagement is to use Facebook Analytics to create optimal posts at the optimal times.

Use Visual Content

Posts with images and videos are more attention grabbing on a person’s newsfeed than text posts. Additionally, visual content is statistically more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on than a text post. In order to encourage engagement and grab potential followers’ attention, your posts should contain visual content.

Tag Other Pages

As much as possible, you should tag pages in your posts that are relevant to yours. They might be similar companies, companies in the same industry, or simply companies with a similar audience. Tagging other pages is a great way to increase your visibility because you will show up on the page of the company you tagged. Therefore, you will be able to reach all of their followers, increasing the number of potential likes on your page.


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