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How Do I Know When It's Time To Redesign My Website?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Sat, Dec 03, 2016 @ 10:10 AM

Time For Website RedesignOwners of businesses from a variety of different sizes and markets, come to us daily with the question, "how do I know when it's time to redesign my website?" For most, the answer is simple, now! However, there are some businesses that may not need a complete website overhaul, and actually just require some improved SEO techniques and the implementation of the inbound marketing methodology in order to grow their digital reach and customer base. At the same time, there are quite a few signs that do indicate that you must scrap your current site, and opt for a complete redesign. Continue reading to learn the top signs that you should redesign your businesses' website.

You Can’t Update Your Site's Content On Your Own

The majority of sites today are built with Content Management Systems (CMS), which allow a person without technical skills to make simple changes in just a few seconds. There are a variety of platforms you can choose for your CMS. Whichever one you decide upon, the whole point is to make your life easier, not harder. A good web design firm will offer appropriate training to help you learn the new system. 

Your Current Site Isn't Mobile-Friendly

It's common knowledge: consumers have different needs when they are using their mobile devices to access information and services. Mobile web users have an expectation of finding they information they need quickly and easily. So, it is quite important that your website is a mobile showcase, optimized to ensure the best user experience. Roughly 40 percent of website visits stem from mobile use, so if you are simply showing your users the desktop version of your website, you will unfortunately be losing business. If you want to learn more about mobile friendly sites or Google’s recent mobile update, check out this blog post.

Your Search Rankings Are Abysmal

The impact of being on the first page of Google has been well documented for years, as only handful of people who perform Google searches end up clicking past the first page of results. Frankly, almost zero casual searchers make it past the first two or three pages of results, which highlights the importance of ranking well. In old Wild West of SEO, web developers used to jam keywords into a website in an attempt to boost ratings, but Google has since improved its algorithm to punish those tactics, for trying to 'hack' their way to the top. Instead, Google offers an SEO Guide for improving your site.

However, if you know that your sight remains in the doldrums of Google, it may be a perfect opportunity to begin working on a Website redesign. After all, if your goal is to draw new visitors to your site, you want to put out the best first impression possible.

You’ve Updated Your Brand Recently

If you’ve recently updated or completely changed the direction of your brand, it’s best to opt for a new website; after all, a brand is not simply a logo and a catchy tag line. Very often, growing companies expand past the original aspects of their websites, and need to adapt so they can add more functionality or specific content. Your business goals will also change over time, and your website should reflect your brand’s vision.

Remember: your company’s website offers a first impression to online viewers. Customers use Google to answer their most pertinent questions regarding sought-after products and services, so showing up high in those searches is becoming increasingly important.

ImageWorks LLC | CT Website Redesigns

Our custom CT web design solutions are built around your individual needs, and focused on your specific messaging, functionality, and inbound lead generation needs in mind. Our state of the art knowledge and continuous research and development efforts always take advantage of the newest technologies, insuring your project will be cross platform compatible, mobile ready, and easy to use. 

Over 17 years and a thousand projects, we have continually improved our process for understanding your business, defining your goals, performing a competitive analysis, translating your message to a compelling website, and integrating calls to action. This one-of-a-kind approach and un-paralleled level of experience leads to the creation of new business and measurable marketing results.

Check out the free website redesign session tab below. 

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