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How to Optimize Your Website Around Search Intent

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Jun 28, 2019 @ 09:45 AM

One of the biggest trends that SEO experts are seeing lately is the emphasis on search intent. “Search intent” refers to what the searcher is actually looking for when they use a search engine, rather than what they actually type into the search bar. If you’re still developing your SEO strategy solely around exact keyword match without taking intent into account, you could be missing out on achieving top ranking on Google. For a breakdown of why search intent matters and how you can optimize your website around intent, check out the post below.Google Search

Why Intent Matters

Google’s search algorithm is constantly becoming more advanced and improving its ability to match searchers with the web pages most useful to them. Some of the more recent changes to Google’s algorithm involve emphasizing search intent. Google now has the ability to understand the meaning behind the searches that people enter and attempts to rank pages based on which one is most closely aligned with search intent. Because search intent is such an important ranking factor, it’s essential to factor it into your SEO strategy to achieve the best possible rank. Additionally, content marketers are focused on creating content that people need and want. Therefore it’s essential to consider search intent to ensure the content they create aligns with the needs of their readers.

Types of Intent

The first step to optimizing your website around search intent is understanding the different types of intent that exist. Searchers that businesses want to capture are at all different stages of the buyer’s journey, but they also have different types of intent that can be clearly defined.


Searchers with informational intent are top-of-the-funnel prospects in the first stage of the buyer’s journey. They are simply looking for information and want to learn more about a subject or topic. This type of searcher is looking for educational content.


Navigational intent refers to searchers who already know the company or brand they’re looking for but don’t know how to get to the right page. Searches with this type of intent usually feature a brand or product name.


Commercial searches are definitively looking to make a purchase, but they need information to help them make their decision. Searchers with commercial intent will often conduct multiple searches, some with more informational intent, others looking for specific reviews or other navigational purposes. These searchers are still in the research stage, but are middle of the funnel prospects.


Transactional searches involve those that are specifically purchase-driven, with a specific product, brand, or item in mind. These searches will often involve a product name accompanied by “price” or an item accompanied by “sale.”

How to Optimize for Intent

Consider Types of Intent

Once you understand the different types of search intent that exist, you can begin optimizing your website with these types of intent in mind. The most important thing to do when considering the different types of search intent is to make sure your content covers every type of search and every stage of the sales funnel. No matter what stage of the buyer’s journey a prospect is in, you should have a page of content that covers it.

Create High-Quality Content

Your website should have a large volume of high quality content. It’s important to remember other SEO factors surrounding content quality, as Google still takes these factors into account. Additionally, high-quality content will boost your business’s reputation and increase your chance of return visitors, which will both boost your Google rank.

Consider Intent During Creation and Optimization

When creating this content, it’s important to consider search intent. If you begin by creating content first, ask yourself, “What type of searcher will end up on this page?” and make sure it includes what they would be looking for. You should also consider different types of searches and make sure you have content that covers them. Remember that every visit to your website isn’t about converting. You should have a fair amount of educational content aimed at getting users to return to your site, rather than converting every time.


ImageWorks, LLC | CT Search Engine Optimization

It’s important to have a site fully optimized for every type of search to maximize your chance of a top Google rank. If the task of keeping up to date on the latest SEO trends seems too daunting, don’t be afraid to call in the experts!

While professional SEO services can offer many opportunities to your business, you should never depend on SEO alone for the growth of your business. The companies that thrive on the online world have a comprehensive approach and utilize both online and offline marketing strategies. SEO can be a big piece; however, it is only one slice of the marketing pie.

By integrating all of today's Web tools such as SEO, social media, pay per click, and blogs, ImageWorks, LLC can turn your site into a lead generation tool.

Topics: Search Engine Optimization, SEO Trends, Search Intent

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