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How to Reuse Old Blog Content

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Sep 01, 2017 @ 11:28 AM

Have you ever written a great blog article that didn’t perform as well as you hoped? Have you wondered how to keep a successful article relevant for a longer period of time? Reusing old blogs is a great way to prolong the relevance and success of your content. However, simply reposting the same blog can make your content seem repetitive. Here are some tips to reuse old blog content while keeping it relevant and fresh.

reusing old blog content

Use Different Formats

A great way to reuse old blog content is to change up the format. Use content you have and turn it into a video, podcast, or offline material. If you have detailed information, especially information including statistics, you can turn it into an infographic that can be used on different pages across your site.

Refresh Old Content

If you have content that was particularly successful, it’s a good idea to refresh and expand on it. Update the content to include new information that will improve its current relevance. Expand on any section of the content that could use further explanation. When you refresh your old content, it will continue to be successful over a longer period of time.

Transform Lists

Any posts in the “10 tips to…” format can be very easily reused. Transform these lists into summaries and use them in other pieces of content. Conversely, you can take each individual tip and expand on them, turning them into their own individual posts. In these new posts, you can link to the original post, creating new content and improving the clicks and relevance of the original post.

Retarget the Post

A great way to reuse your old content is to reframe it. Use the same information to tell a different story. Target a different audience using the same content. Come at the content of your post from a new angle. When you change the story or theme to fit the audience, you can make your old content relevant to a wider audience.

Focus on Detailed Content

Long, detailed posts are great candidates for reuse. Write follow-ups to these posts and posts that are related to the topic. Link each of these posts back to the original post for further reading on the subject. Creating related content to major posts can extend your content’s lifespan and its referral traffic, while improving the piece’s SEO.

Create an Ebook

If you notice that a specific topic is particularly successful, you should consider turning it into an ebook. Creating an ebook is a great way to use content from multiple blogs in one place. You can expand on successful content and use it to educate your audience.

Turn Posts into an Email Newsletter

People enjoy reading email that isn’t promotional. If all of your emails to your consumers are promotional in nature, there is a good chance they will stop opening it. Use your old blog content to create informative email newsletters. These newsletters will help maintain relationships with your customers and while educating them about your company and industry.

Run a “Best of” Promotion

A great way to reuse and promote old content is to run a “best of” promotion. Choose a topic that can connect particularly successful content to content that you had hoped would perform better than it did. You can use this promotional post to link to these other posts, improving the relevance and traffic to these posts.


ImageWorks, LLC | CT Blogging and Content Marketing

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Topics: Blogging for Business, old blog content, reusing old blog content

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