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How to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Jan 19, 2018 @ 11:00 AM

instagram storiesInstagram stories can be very useful for a business’s social media marketing strategy because they guarantee visibility. Unlike Instagram posts, Instagram stories show up at the top of your follower’s screen each time they open the app. For this reason, it’s important to make use of Instagram stories. Here are some tips to help you promote your business through Instagram stories.

Show a “Day in the Life” of Your Business

Instagram stories are a great way to show the people behind your business. Post photos or videos of the every day goings on around your office. Showcase the people in your office doing fun, interesting things. Emphasizing your company culture is a great way to humanize your brand and build trust among your followers. Instagram stories provide a great opportunity to showcase snapshots of the people involved in your company.

Turn Your Content into Mini-Articles

Instagram stories often consist of a few slides. Choose blog posts and content that can easily be broken down into a few slides and can be displayed visually. At the end of your slides, provide a link to your blog. Using your content in Instagram stories is a great way to promote your content and your blog. When you choose content that has a particular message that you want to get across to your followers, your story will yield results.

Show Your Product in Action

If your business sells a product or provides a service that has a visual component, an Instagram story is a great way to showcase it. Show what your product can do and how it works. You can also show what the effects of your product are, using examples with real people. If your product or service has visual results, an Instagram story is a great way to showcase it.

Promote Your Next Big Event

If your business has an upcoming event, whether it be a new sale or an event at your headquarters, an Instagram story is a great way to promote it. An Instagram story can get your followers excited for the event and provide them with instructions about where to go and what to do. This method is an easy way to get your followers excited and get the message across quickly and effectively.

Teasers of New Products

When you are releasing a new product, Instagram stories are a great way to promote it. Tease your followers about a new product, revealing small hints that will get them excited and encourage them to follow the release. Instagram stories are a great way to encourage excitement about new products, as you can post continuously until the release.

Create a Poll

A fairly new feature of Instagram stories is the polling feature. Polling your followers is a great way to engage your followers and learn about them. Consider “this or that” polls, where followers decide which product they prefer. You can also poll questions such as “Will you join us at tonight’s event?” or “Will you be watching tonight?” to gather information and get followers excited about an upcoming event. Polling is a great way to engage your followers while gathering valuable information about them and their preferences.


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Topics: Instagram Marketing, Instagram Stories, Instagram for Business

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