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How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Sep 21, 2017 @ 04:15 PM

Pinterest is becoming an increasingly popular social network. With over 150 million users, content on Pinterest can reach a large audience all over the world. Based around attractive pictures, it’s an ideal network for any sort of lifestyle brands. However, with the proper strategy, many different types of businesses can benefit from Pinterest. Here are some tips for using Pinterest to promote your business.

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Share Lifestyle, Not Products

Although you want to sell products, your posts should not simply be centered around your products. Appeal to people’s interests and focus on how your product can benefit your followers’ lifestyle. Fit your brand to your audience in order to insert your product into your followers’ everyday lives.

Share Attractive Pictures

Pinterest is full of incredible photos that draw people in. You should post photos that are interesting, unique, and high quality. It’s important to use photos that people want to pin. Simpler pictures perform better than more complex ones, as do pictures without faces. In general, lighter images are pinned more than darker ones. You should make your photos large enough to draw attention to them without completely dominating a page or getting cut off on a screen view.

Focus on Followers’ Interests

It’s important to know your audience. Pinterest users are mostly women, with the most popular age demographic being 30-50. With these demographics in mind, it’s important to craft posts catered to the interests of users. Fashion, home design, crafts, and recipes are among the most popular interests on Pinterest. If your brand does not directly relate to these areas, find a way to incorporate them into your posts.

Follow and Engage With Popular Boards

Following popular boards is a great way to learn about factors that can make a board popular. Repin popular pins from these boards and study them to learn about what they’re doing right. Pay attention to what types of boards and pins they create and which ones perform well.

Use Rich Pins

Rich pins are pins that that include a movie, recipe, article, product, or place in addition to the picture. These pins are especially useful to direct traffic to your site. Include links to your site and to other content that you’ve produced. Using rich pins will help promote your website and ensure that followers visit your site.

Mix Up Your Content

There should be plenty of variety in your pins and boards. Each board should not be a slight variation of the other. Be sure to create boards that are relevant to specific events or seasons. Create a fall-related board or a holiday board at the appropriate times. Include variety in your content and be sure to keep it relevant and interesting.

Consider SEO

One of the major ways that people are going to come across your pins is by searching for them. Therefore, it’s important to properly optimize your pins for search. Include keywords that your audience might be searching for in your pin titles, descriptions, and image file names. You shouldn’t overload your posts with too many keywords, but it’s important to include them to make sure that they come up in searches.

Post at the Right Times

Posting your pins at the right time is important to maximizing your post views. Research has shown that between 2PM-4PM and 8PM-1AM are optimal posting times and that Saturday morning posts are the most successful. However, you should pay close attention to the times of day where your posts receive the most engagement and pin accordingly.

Post Frequently

Your boards should be full of both your own content and repins. You should be posting somewhere between 5-30 new pins each day to grow your following. If this posting becomes difficult, you can create secret boards in which you save pins that you can quickly post later on. Constantly creating and posting new content is essential to growing your following and keeping your Pinterest relevant


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Topics: pinterest marketing, Pinterest, Business Social Media

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