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Quick Tips For Establishing Your Website's Video Content Strategy

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Thu, Mar 30, 2017 @ 11:45 AM

Tips for Establishing Your Website's Video Content StrategyRecent trends in video marketing are rapidly altering the way we consume online content; therefore, marketers must step up their games too. In fact, according to a BizReport citation of Brad Jefferson, CEO and cofounder of Animato, "If marketers want to remain competitive next year , they'll need to create videos for every aspect of their business. Video platforms will continue to push the envelope of creativity in video, adding new features and use cases that marketers will need to move on" (Source). Jefferson went on to state that "it's clear that people want to watch more video and by the end of 2016, video is expected to account for 80% of all Internet traffic” (Source).

Of course, Your video marketing strategy plan doesn't need to be super detailed, considering that the performance of your first few videos will suggest which modifications you need to make, however, it's important to know how you will align video content with your company goals. So, we have prepared this post to help you come up with your first video content strategy!

What Are Your Goals?

For your plan to work, your video marketing strategy should align with your business goals. Essentially, you must consider questions like "Are you seeking to build brand awareness?" or "Do you want to educate your customers?" Once you've decided on your goals, it will be easier for your to develop the right video content strategy to achieve them.

Tips For Developing Video Content Strategy For Your Website

Your efforts will be for naught, unless you plan your video strategy (i.e. it's important to choose the right type of video content). Ideally, your businesses' video content strategy should be constructed of videos designed to get your message cross while still meeting your audiences expectations for what they want to view. If you are unsure if a subject for your initial videos that fits the right balance between education and entertainment, consider these questions:

  • What should our ideal customers know about us as they head into the buying cycle?
  • What questions can we answer for prospective customers?
  • How are we different from our competition?

If you can find a topic that covers what your brand represents while satisfying audience questions, you have found your initial video topic!

Here's a list of a few user-focused video options:

Record A Webinar: Discuss your products/services, as well as the problems they solve. If it's a live webinar, you can answer participant questions.

How-To Videos: Explain the best way to use a product or contract a service

Company Culture Videos: Show off your company's culture to prove that you are a trustworthy brand.

Customer Testimonials: Written testimonials don’t do you much good, because other than the first one or two testimonials on the page, most people won’t bother to continue reading.

ImageWorks, LLC | CT Video Marketing

As we transition into the new year, your video content strategy will become increasingly significant, yet it's important that you don't overthink your strategy. We're here to help.

Ultimately, the success of most modern video campaigns depend on how well the creator married the element of storytelling with the latest technological innovations. Your business video’s message should not only be clear but interesting as well, and the most relevant tools should be used to convey that message. If you a let a team of professionals handle these tasks for you, you and your staff will have all the time in world to focus on the core competencies of the business. After all, these videos are being produced to get more customers, right?

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