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Social Media Trends to Watch for in 2018

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Wed, Jan 24, 2018 @ 10:30 AM

social mediaSocial media outlets are constantly changing their layouts and algorithms to try to improve user experience. As these platforms change, social media marketing needs to evolve with them to stay relevant. Successful marketers understand these changes and stay informed on the latest social media trends. Here are some of the trends that will be popular in 2018.

1. Growth of Live Video Content

Live video content has been growing in popularity over the last few years. In 2018, this trend will continue. According to Facebook, live videos receive six times the engagement that normal videos receive. Live videos create the opportunity for a shared viewing experience between different users, which can foster a sense of community. Live video content is a great way to humanize your brand and encourage engagement with your content. As live video content grows in popularity, successful marketers will increase their use of this tactic to stay relevant.

2. Importance of Messaging Apps

Messaging apps are increasing in importance in 2018. Apps such as Facebook messenger, WhasApp, and WeChat as well as direct messaging platforms within apps such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are a great way to promote your brand and provide successful customer service. Successful marketers are using these platforms to communicate one on one with customers and provide personalized customer service. This type of customer service is more efficient for customers, as they do not have to call in and be placed on hold. It is also a cost effective and scalable method of customer service for businesses.

3. Increased Difficulty Monetizing Content

Recently, Facebook announced a new update that will shift the focus from monetized content to content created by users’ friends and family. Between the issues with Facebook content’s role in the 2016 election and YouTube’s latest scandal with stars making offensive remarks, social media platforms are under more scrutiny than ever. Their response is to focus on the user experience and emphasize more personal content. With this shift, it is more important than ever to create interesting, meaningful content for your followers to read and engage with.

4. Shopify-Instagram Integration

Last year, Instagram integrated with Shopify and other online shopping platforms to reduce the steps needed to purchase items featured on Instagram content. This update allows users to see an item on an Instagram post and click on it, directing them to a page where they can purchase the item. This integration encourages impulse purchases and makes purchasing items featured in your content easy. More and more companies are making use of this feature as an efficient way to increase sales of products that make attractive Instagram posts.

5. Continued Importance of Influencer Marketing

Influencers are becoming increasingly important and are projected to take over social media. Using influencers is a great way to promote your product or service in a way that is not invasive to your followers. Influencer marketing has proven to be very successful, as businesses will generate an average of $6.50 for every $1 they invest on influencer marketing. In addition, it’s worth noting that 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference. Social media users, especially younger users, trust the opinions of influencers and are likely to make purchases based on their recommendations.

ImageWorks, LLC | CT Social Media Marketing

Having trouble managing your social media? Wondering how to figure out proper posting techniques on your own? Don’t be afraid to call in the experts! Whether you are just getting started or have an engine in place that needs fine tuning, ImageWorks can help you join the Social Media wave to get yourself recognized and generate more business. Market yourself and your brand to the 100’s of millions of online interactive users.

We understand that social media can be overwhelming, and it's not always easy to change with each update or refresh. If you are looking to boost your social media marketing then you may want to take a step back and reevaluate the online presence you already have.

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