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The Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Web Page

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Wed, Jun 21, 2017 @ 11:27 AM

So, you’ve created a web page and you think the hard work is behind you. Think again! If you want your web page to show up in search engines and be clicked on, there are many important steps you must take. To properly optimize your page, you need to consider every aspect of your page and make sure each part is functioning in the best way possible. Here are the major sections of a web page and how they should be optimized.

Web Page Optimization


If you haven’t decided on a domain name yet, make sure it’s short and to the point. Use target keywords if possible and other words related to the category of the business you’re in. The URL to every page should be optimized as well. After the “.com/” there should be the category name or the post name. Make sure that you change the URL so that a random combination of letters and numbers don’t show up. 

Header or Page Title

The title of your page should be between 50-59 characters because Google will only show this many characters. People are less likely to click on a site where its title has been cut off in Google. Your title should display the subject of the page, include the keyword you’re working with, and mention your brand name if possible. In order to help your search engine ranking and target your audience, use modifiers like “2017,” “best,” and “top 10.” 

Meta Description

Although your meta description does not have bearing on your ranking on Google, it’s important because it helps convince people to click on your site. It should provide information about your page while being both unique and compelling. The goal of your meta description is to be informative and compelling enough that searchers will want to click on your site.


Your content is probably the most important piece of your web page. You should separate your content with subheadings, using your keyword in at least one of these subheadings. Always make sure you’re producing quality content that is reliable and fresh. The quality of your content is the most important factor that affects your search ratings. In addition to using your keyword in subheadings, use synonyms of your keyword throughout your content. For example, if you’re working with the keyword “ice cream cake,” try using “frozen dessert” or “ice cream treat.”


Incorporating links into your content will help optimize your page. You should use outbound links to other sites that will help Google understand what your site is about. When you link to other sites that Google understands, it is able to link your subject matter to theirs. Make sure to use inbound links as well, connecting one page of your site to another. Use of inbound links will ensure that visitors stay on your site longer and will help build trust for your brand.


The overall layout and look of your site is important for optimization. You should break up your text with subheadings and have a fair amount of whitespace because it will ensure that the information on your page is accessible and easy to absorb. It’s also important to make sure your site is completely mobile-friendly, as so much of Internet browsing is done on mobile devices.

It’s important to incorporate different multimedia platforms including pictures and videos. Always add alt. text to your pictures and videos, describing them and preferably using your keyword. Alt. text will ensure that your pictures will get found in a search. 

You should make sure that your page loads quickly and well, ensuring that people will not click away before they see your content. Include social media sharing options to make it easier to start a conversation about your content. If a person can easily share your article to Facebook with just one button, they’re much more likely to do so. 


Lastly, the footer of your web page is important. It should feature concise information and inbound links. Nothing important that is not shared elsewhere should appear in your footer, as people are likely to skim over it. Instead, information such as terms and conditions and a site map are good links to incorporate into your footer.


Image Works, LLC | Search Engine Optimization

While professional SEO services can offer many opportunities to your business, you should never depend on SEO alone for the growth of your business. The companies that thrive on the online world have a comprehensive approach and utilize both online and offline marketing strategies. SEO can be a big piece; however, it is only one slice of the marketing pie.

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