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Video Marketing Trends For 2015 [Infographic]

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Thu, Jun 18, 2015 @ 02:30 PM

At this very moment, videos are an incredibly valuable marketing tool, as they can drive engagement and generate even more purchasing activity from your customers. In fact, in terms of engagement, videos are like an image on steroids. Not only do videos provide a surge of energy to your site’s traffic, but posting videos on YouTube and your website can help to improve your SEO as well.  We understand that there is a barrier to creating videos, as video production can be quite difficult; however, with the advent of smartphone video, it isn't that difficult for your business to create a quality video at a low cost. 

Though, if you are dedicated to video marketing success, you shouldn’t have a difficult choice when considering whether or not to hire a professional to create a video for your business. It’s true; most people do have the tools to make their own videos; however, unless you have an eye for video, it doesn’t mean that a smartphone-created video is your best option. We’re in the midst of the Golden Age of YouTube and smartphones, so it may not always be safe for your company’s reputation to just point, shoot and upload, with hope of success.

Check out this infographic by Syndacast, to catch up on the latest video marketing trends for 2015 and get started on your own journey to creating engaging creative video content.


Ultimately, the success of most modern video campaigns depend on how well the creator married the element of storytelling with the latest technological innovations. Your business video’s message should not only be clear but interesting as well, and the most relevant tools should be used to convey that message. If you a let a team of professionals handle these tasks for you, you and your staff will have all the time in world to focus on the core competencies of the business. After all, these videos are being produced to get more customers, right?

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