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What is Engaging Content?

Posted by Liza Cormier on Fri, Jun 26, 2020 @ 09:38 AM
Depositphotos_72951479_xl-2015The word “engaging” gets tossed around in the SEO world quite a bit, especially when referring to content. Many people waste time and energy trying to create content with little to no results. That’s why having engaging content - which entices people to take action - proves to be more successful. In this blog, we’re going to go over some of the fundamentals of engaging content, how it’s measured, and why it’s important. 

Measuring Engagement

Most engagement is defined as content that promotes action, such as likes, shares, comments, subscriptions, etc. So how do you get there? In the marketing world, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to measure the success of content. KPIs will measure those actions - likes, shares, comments - and analyze results. This is a good way to determine whether your content is yielding the results you want. 

How to Create Engaging Content

Engaging content is important for the process of creating organic traffic into paying customers. If you know and understand your target audience, then you can figure out how to write engaging content. It’s as simple as writing for the user, and making sure it’s content your audience finds value out of. 

Let’s go over some methods for how to boost engaging content. 

Create a Content Agenda 

It’s important to execute well-thought out, organized content to keep readers engaged. Determine what your target audience needs most from you, so you can create content that is contoured for their interests. Your readers will lose interest if you start to get off topic, so having a content agenda or outline is important for following through with your end goal. 

Ask Questions

Starting conversations with social media content has been shown to increase engagement. If your audience responds, there’s an opportunity for that conversation to continue or bring up any other questions or comments they have. This is a great way to encourage users to come back to your site and read some of your other content as well. 

Include Internal Links

Internal links can be used on your website to direct users to other relevant pages. Some of the benefits of internal linking include:

  • Sending visitors to crucial product and sales pages
  • Keeping readers on your site for longer by directing them to relevant content
  • Direct users to “contact us” page easily 

Using internal links makes it easier for users to find the information they’re looking for and stay on your website longer, so eventually they can turn into a customer. 

Video Content

Video content has become the new way to engage audiences, as they are more interested in watching something than reading. Not only can video drive traffic from Youtube and other popular search engines, but it adds value to text content. Videos are easy to view, eye catching, easy to share and tend to spark more likes and comments. Utilizing video for Q&As, tutorials or reviews can be a great way to provide engaging content to your audience. 

Whatever industry you’re in the business of, having content your audience will engage with is essential to creating them into customers. Don’t let your content efforts stop at traffic generation, make sure it drives engagement and results in the conversions your website deserves. 


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