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How To Choose A Unique And Creative Business Domain Name

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Mon, Apr 25, 2016 @ 11:10 AM

When considering a domain name for your business, keep in mind how important this element is for recognition and brand awareness. You should put as much time and effort into your domain name as you did with your company name. There are a lot of components to consider when creating and effective domain that will help further your brand. Check out the infographic below for 9 essential elements to consider when choosing a business domain name.


(Infographic created by Who Is Hosting This)

ImageWorks LLC | Branding And Corporate Identity

A brand is defined as the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers." This means, your brand or corporate identity are the representation of your company's reputation through your company's attributes, values, purpose, strengths, passions, and products. Great brands are easy to recognize. They have a clear mission, and can cultivate a devoted and loyal cliental if used properly. If you don't have a brand for your company, or your brand isn't as strong as it should be, let ImageWorks help you with your brand strategy.

Creating a strong brand is essential in order to stay ahead, and stand out from your competition. ImageWorks wants to help you build the best brand for your company's individual needs.

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