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20 Holiday Blog Post Ideas

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Wed, Dec 13, 2017 @ 10:15 AM

Depositphotos_5688134_original-min.jpgWriting interesting, successful blog posts is an important part of your digital marketing strategy. During the holiday season, holiday-themed blog posts can help generate interest in your brand and drive traffic to your site. However, it can be difficult to keep coming up with holiday-themed blog topics. Here are some ideas for your holiday-themed blog posts!

1. X Gifts Under ($20, $50, etc.)

During the holidays, everyone is shopping for gifts with different budgets. Gift guides specially designed to fit in with different budgets are useful tools for shoppers that will generate interest in your products and your site.

2. X Gifts for Your (Boss, Co-Worker, BFF, Mother, etc.)

Often times, people find themselves stuck on what gift to get a certain person. Gift guides personalized to different relationships can be very helpful to your readers and are a great way to promote your products.

3. X Last Minute Gift Ideas

Many people shop last minute, with December 23rd being the second biggest holiday shopping day in 2016. Last minute gift idea posts will likely have a high number of views, since these types of gifts are often shopped for.

4. 12 Days of _______

A “12 Days of” series is a great way to highlight different products or services your company offers. It’s a great way to give in-depth descriptions of different products or services while encouraging your readers to keep coming back to your blog to follow your series.

5. X Tips to Save Money This Holiday Season

Everyone is looking for ways to save money during the holidays. Highlight some great tips to help out your customers, and be sure to include sales and other ways your business can help save them money.

6. X Holiday Recipe Ideas

Everyone is looking for recipes during the holidays for their own holiday dinner or to bring to parties. Holiday recipe ideas are a great way to generate interest and traffic, and if you can connect these ideas to your brand, the post will be even better!

7. X Ideas for Your Holiday Party Look

The holidays are full of parties that you want to look good for. For this reason, posts revolving around a holiday look are sure to generate traffic. Bonus points if you can connect these tips to your brand!

8. Top X Moments to Remember in 2017

The holiday season means the end of the year, making it the perfect time to reflect. Create nostalgic posts highlighting moments worth remembering from the year, especially moments significant to your brand.

9. New Year, New _______

With the New Year coming up, you have a great opportunity to promote your brand with a “new year, new _______” post. Highlight your products or services as a way to give potential customers a fresh start during the New Year.

10. Top X Goals to Set for 2018

Many people think of the New Year as a chance for a fresh start and a new chance to achieve their goals. Highlight some good goals to set for the New Year, especially those that can be connected to your brand.

11. A Year in Review

Reflecting on the past year is a great tactic for end-of-the-year blog posts. Highlighting any significant moments your company has experienced over the past year will help humanize your brand while staying topical during the holiday season.

12. Top X Lessons We Learned This Year

The end of the year is a great time for reflection, and the holiday season is a great time for sentimentality. Combine both of these elements in a blog post about lessons your team has learned this year and discuss what new directions your company will take in the New Year.

13. X Trends to Look for in 2018

The end of the year is the perfect time to talk about the trends in your industry that are coming in the following year. Discussing these new trends is a great way to educate your consumers while highlighting your products or services.

14. X Stories to Warm Your Heart This Holiday Season

People love sentimental stories, especially during the holiday season. Craft a blog post that tugs at your readers’ heartstrings to help humanize your brand and build trust among your followers.

15. X Ideas for Holiday Family Fun

During the holiday season, parents are always looking for fun holiday-themed activities they can do with their kids. Highlight some of these potential options, finding a way to tie your company into the fun!

16. X Brands to Look at for Holiday Inspiration

For this post, you might have to do some research. Highlight brands that are related to yours that are doing a great job with their holiday marketing. Linking your brand to other related brands will help you attract new customers that might be customers of the related brands.

17. X Fun Holiday Things to Do in _______

Create a blog post that highlights all of the fun holiday things to do in the city or state that your business is located in. This post will very easily connect to the holidays while providing a great opportunity to mention your own business.

18. X Best Things About the Holiday Season

This type of post is an obvious way to celebrate the holiday season. It also provides a great opportunity to demonstrate how your company can relate to holiday celebrations and holiday fun.

19. X Ways to Spread Holiday Cheer This Season

Along the lines of the previous post, this type of post is a great way to celebrate the holiday season and tap into its sentimentality. This post might feature different holiday traditions, including gift giving, providing a great opportunity to showcase your products and services.

20. X Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of year where many people try to give back to the community. This blog post can help educate your customers on ways to give back and provide a great opportunity to describe ways that your company has given back this year.


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Topics: Holiday Marketing Tips, Holiday Blog Posts

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