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How to Build a Facebook Following From Scratch

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Mon, Mar 19, 2018 @ 11:00 AM

No matter the size of your business, you need to have a presence on Facebook. Facebook can be an extremely useful marketing tool because of its ability to reach so many people. However, in order to successfully market on Facebook, you’ll need to have a following. When you first start a Facebook page for your business, developing a following can seem like a daunting task. We’ve created a list of tips that can help you build your Facebook following in order to use your page as a powerful marketing tool.

facebook followers

Optimize Your Page

One of the first things you should do when trying to build a Facebook following is to make sure your Facebook page is properly optimized. Potential followers will visit your page before deciding to follow you, so it’s important to make sure your page is in order. Your page should include all relevant company details, such as location, hours, and other important details. You should also make sure you have high quality profile and cover photos that include your company logo. Click here for more tips on optimizing your business’s Facebook page!

Use Paid Ads

The best way to promote your Facebook page is to create sponsored content and paid aids. Paid Facebook ads are the best way to ensure visibility on Facebook. You can very easily target your potential customers based on different factors such as location, age, gender, occupation, and more. Paid Facebook ads work with any budget and will ensure that your target audience sees your content.

Hold a Contest

A Facebook contest is a great way to promote your business, especially local businesses. Facebook contests typically require entrants to follow and like your page, as well as share the contest post. Often times, contests also require entrants to tag their friends in the comments. These efforts will increase the visibility of your post and create excitement around your business, encouraging new individuals to follow your page. Contests are a great way to promote your business, increase the visibility of your page, and get people interested in your company.

Utilize Personal Accounts

You and your employees can make use of your personal accounts to help promote your business’s Facebook page. Share the page on your personal accounts and ask your friends to like it. Use personal accounts to share posts from your business page that your friends might find interesting as well. You can also use personal accounts to join groups that might be relevant to your business. Once in these groups, you can post about your business, encouraging members of the group to check out your page. This tactic is a great idea for local businesses that will be valuable to specific groups of people.

Hold Events

Holding events for your business is a great promotion tactic. When you hold an event, make sure you post the event on Facebook. Individuals can explore the “Events” page on Facebook, which will list events relevant to individuals and events going on nearby. Using the events page is a great way to promote your business and increase your page’s visibility across Facebook.

Post Consistently

In order to encourage followers, you’ll need strong content. Posting consistently is important to keep your current followers interested and engaged. It’s also important for new followers, who will likely visit your page before deciding to follow you. If your page does not have consistent posts, people will be unlikely to follow you because they will not receive regular content.

Post Engaging Content

It’s important to make your content engaging. Ask your audience questions that will encourage conversation. Post funny, thought-provoking, or otherwise interesting content that people will want to share and talk about. The only way to make your business’s posts organically visible on Facebook is to make them engaging. Facebook will only show posts with strong engagement on your followers’ news feeds because Facebook considers engaging posts the most valuable. If you want your content to be organically visible, engagement is key.


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