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How To Use Video Marketing To Boost Website Traffic

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jul 17, 2015 @ 03:34 PM
Video-MarketingChances are, at one point in time, a friend or family member has sent you a link to the latest hilarious YouTube video. Video marketing is one of the next big trends, due in part to the ease with which users can share videos amongst their friends, family and coworkers. Videos are not only more entertaining and engaging than their text counterparts, they also work to increse SERP rankings. In 2015, videos are a reliable and trusted method for boosting your company's online web presence. In this post we will discuss ways in which you can use videos to solidify your brand and boost your website traffic.

Use Video Testimonials To Improve Conversions

Written testimonials don’t do you much good, because other than the first one or two testimonials on the page, most people won’t bother to continue reading.

To be successful, you need to think practically: consider how you browse the Internet. In the course of an hour, you probably skip from several sites, read through emails, check your tweets, and status updates. All of those are distractions, so how can you expect a first time visitor to sit there and scroll through your page of testimonials?

Most people learn best through visual cues, so by creating a short video that highlights your strongest testimonials, you are increasing your chances of success.

When you create the video, you should include footage from interview with former clients, so that viewers can see their visceral reaction when they talk about their experience working with you; however, if your clients are on the shy-side, you can just put up their picture along with their quote on the screen, and expect to still have a good impact.

Using A Live Stream To Demonstrate Your Work

Live streams are very educational for prospects who are just learning about your company. So, if at all possible, create a live stream of your latest project. For example, if you fix houses, stream a video of you putting on a new roof; if you make custom pillows, do a live stream of a pillow in progress. The possibilities are endless! You won't regret making videos and posting them to your site; after all, it may become one of the primary sources of traffic for your site.

Use Google Analytics To Inform Your Next Move

After all of this, you may still be unsure of the type of video content you should create to maximize traffic. If that is the case, you are in luck, as Google Analytics can point you in the right direction. Log in to your sites' Google Analytics and determine which pages receive the most traffic. This will give you a general idea of the topics that will be best to cover when putting together a video content strategy.

Use Social Media To Boost Video Reach

Take advantage of the major social networking sites to share your video, as this can lead to additional traffic, both to your video and your site. There are millions of people who use different social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can use this opportunity to share and build your audience. Make sure that whatever you share will be useful and informative to them.


Don't overload one page with a bunch of videos. If you have ever stumbled across a legion of embedded YouTube videos on a site, you will understand just how painful it is. Instead, you should put one video per landing page, so that search engine can help you, indexing each video individually. You've taken the time to create a video, so dont' let a poor user experience get in the way.

Need More Help? Check Out This Infographic For Brainstorming.

ImageWorks, LLC | Video Marketing

Ultimately, the success of most modern video campaigns depend on how well the creator married the element of storytelling with the latest technological innovations. Your business video’s message should not only be clear but interesting as well, and the most relevant tools should be used to convey that message. If you a let a team of professionals handle these tasks for you, you and your staff will have all the time in world to focus on the core competencies of the business. After all, these videos are being produced to get more customers, right?

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Topics: website traffic, Video Marketing

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