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New Year, New Website: 5 Signs it’s Time for a Website Redesign

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Dec 20, 2018 @ 09:45 AM

We live in an increasingly digital age, meaning the importance of your business website is always growing. For this reason, it’s essential to have a professional looking website that represents your brand well. If your website was designed a long time ago, there’s a good chance it might be out of date. The New Year is a perfect time to make changes to improve your business, so if your website is out of date, it’s a perfect time for a redesign. If you think your website might need a redesign, look for these signs.

new year website redesign

1. You’re Not Being Found on Google

When considering a website redesign, one of the most common questions people ask is, “Why isn’t my website being found on Google?” There are a few different reasons why your site might not come up on Google searches. You might need to properly optimize it according to the keywords relevant to your business. You might need to reorganize your content into pillar pages to more effectively provide educational content to visitors. However, if your site is slow, unresponsive, or disorganized, Google might have a tough time understanding your site, which will hurt its rankings. Finally, if your site is generally unappealing to look at, visitors might quick away quickly, which can also hurt your Google rank. There are a lot of different reasons why your site isn’t being found on Google, but fortunately many of these factors can be fixed with a website redesign.

2. Your Design is Cluttered or Outdated

Have you been looking at your website lately and thinking, “What was I thinking?” Styles, trends, and abilities of designers change over time, meaning what was once a beautiful website might now be cluttered or outdated. If your website is difficult to take in and tough to navigate, it might need to be updated. The abilities of web designers have changed over the years and there are more features available to you than there once were. Trends of designs have changed too, and simple, clean designs are now the most popular to allow for easy navigation and professionalism. If your website is feeling cluttered or has an outdated look, it might be time for a redesign.

3. Your Site Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

Mobile websites are essential in this day and age. In fact, over half of Google searches are done on a mobile device. Because of the growing popularity of mobile web surfing, Google has even begun indexing mobile sites before desktop sites, meaning Google sees your mobile site as more important than your desktop site. Because mobile is now so important, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s time for a website redesign. You can either opt for a site that works well on multiple platforms or create a separate site for mobile devices that loads quicker and is responsive on mobile devices. Both options are valid, but if your site isn’t currently mobile-friendly, it’s definitely time for an upgrade.

4. Your Website is Slow

The loading speed of your website is essential to its success. Studies have shown that searchers are more likely to click away from a website that takes too much time to load. Not only is this bad for business, but Google actually downgrades the rank of sites that visitors quick away from quickly. If you're dealing with an outdated website, it might not load nearly as quickly as newer sites. For tips on improving your site’s loading speed, click here. The best way to speed up an older website, though, is a complete redesign.

5. You Have Low Conversion Rates

Is your website getting you the results you need? SEO is a great way to get your site to rank on Google, but SEO alone won’t close deals. If people are getting to your site but not interacting with your site or converting, then the website itself is the problem. A website redesign can help you rethink the way your site operates to improve user experience. When users can navigate your site easily and get to the information they need, they’re more likely to convert. If you’re noticing that your site has a good amount of visitors but not nearly enough conversions, it might be time for a website redesign.


ImageWorks, LLC | CT Web Design

Our custom CT web design solutions are built around your individual needs, and focused on your specific messaging, functionality, and inbound lead generation needs in mind. Our state of the art knowledge and continuous research and development efforts always take advantage of the newest technologies, insuring your project will be cross platform compatible, mobile ready, and easy to use. 

Over 18 years and a thousand projects, we have continually improved our process for understanding your business, defining your goals, performing a competitive analysis, translating your message to a compelling website, and integrating calls to action. This one-of-a-kind approach and un-paralleled level of experience leads to the creation of new business and measurable marketing results.

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Topics: website redesign, CT website design, 2019 Web Design Trends

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