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5 Epic Inbound Marketing Blog Titles

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Fri, May 24, 2013 @ 09:06 AM

A good blog title will inspire a reader to take the time to read your content, while a bad blog title will make the reader cringe and wish they had never looked.

Looking to read a few blog titles that will promise to knock your socks off?? Okay, these inbound blog titles may not literally knock your socks off, but they will make you think twice before giving your next blog post any old boring subject line.

Check out the epicness:

1) "How to Herd Cats on Twitter" by Jeff Bullas

blog titles

This blog post makes us curious...as a cat (sorry, I couldn't resist!) Jeff Bullas always delivers great blog titles, but this one takes the cake. If you are anything like me, you couldn't scroll past this cat metaphor without pausing to read more. Though we like to encourage SEO in most blog titles, it doesn't hurt to occasionally have fun with your blog post. Purrfect!


2) "Star Trek: 10 Content Marketing Lessons" by Heidi Cohen

best blog titles

Who knew that Star Trek could be related to inbound marketing? Heidi Cohen makes the leap with this blog post, and it actually makes sense. Not only does she combine Star Trek, but she also adds SEO for the phrase "content marketing." People love when you compare recognizable subjects when trying to make a point, so why not a fan favorite sci-fi show? If anything, this trekky reference will draw readers in enough to realize that the content is actually pretty darn good!


3) "Justin Bieber, Green Bananas and Upsetting Canada - All in 30 Minutes" by Danny Brown

blog titles

It doesn't hurt to capitalize on a little bit of popular culture now and then. In this case, inbound marketing king Danny Brown mentions a mix of strange subject matter that entices readers to dive farther. This brief blog post directs to a longer video- demonstrating another great way to repackage content for readers.


4) "The 10 Cutest Brand Mascots of All Time" by Hubspot

blog title

Who doesn't love cute and cuddly mascots? Hubspot's blog title tugs on our heartstrings and dares us to check out all of the adorable creatures. Plus, we love superlatives. Whether these are actually the top ten cutest mascots is debatable, but the authority makes readers interested and engaged. Don't forget, images always help!


5) "The 8 Most Popular Ways to Bloody up your Blog on Halloween" by echogravity

best blog titles

 I will admit it, I am a sucker for all things Halloween. This blog title appealed to my spooky side and I just couldn't ignore it. In this post, echogravity relates a seasonal subject that everyone knows about (Halloween) to something that everyone might not know about (blogging). Plus, doesn't everyone want to know how to bloody up their blog?


Don't forget - all of these blogs have a purpose! Not matter what the subject line, each blog post has a tailored call-to-action offer even more content marketing wealth for readers. No matter what blog title you choose (whether about inbound marketing or not)


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Topics: jeff bullas, blog titles, Inbound Marketing, Content Writing, Hubspot, worst blog title ideas, inbound marketing blog

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